Three Month Follow Up Appt
(((Ellen))) Congratulations on a wonderful followup! Seems I have to measure everything I eat if I want to keep it down. One spoon full too much and I am done. My problem is just the opposite, I have virtually NO appetite at all. I have to force myself to eat. It takes me forever to eat the smallest portion.... so I am extremely limited as to what I can eat at work because I only have 1/2 hr for lunch. I can eat the lean turkey lunchables (18 grams of protein) minus the crackers (15 grams of protein) because I can snack while I work. In other words, I can eat it slowly. I have gotten a spoon full of cottage cheese, boiled egg and beets from the salad bar in the cafeteria and done well with that. I still felt like I ate it too fast, but being soft food it stayed down ok. Well, I'm off to the treadmill! Keep up the good work Ellen. You are such an inspiration to us all! Diane