Hi Ellen! I want to let you know that you are a very sweet person also. I really enjoyed meeting you. You are a beautiful woman and your personality is fabulous! You have really put my mind at ease. I thank you for the clothes. Once I get too small for them
I will share them. I felt really at ease with you. I hope I can get to know you more. Thank you so much for your support and answers to all of my questions! Lunch was really nice! I want to comment on your son. He seems so polite and well mannered. You did a good job.
Thank you,

Good morning Ellen. Sorry I haven't responded. I was off work yesterday and don't have a computer at home. Yeah, I would love to see you again. It would be nice if some others would join us. I think the info we can get from others that have had this surgery is so much better than getting it from books or the internet. No one knows what you go through except someone who has already had it. Well, tomorrow I meet with Dr. Naziri. I am so ready. I will let you know how it goes.
P.S. Let me tell you about the,my mom, my best friends mom, the Head Start mom I told you about, a Head Start Grandma, & another friend of mine all divided up the clothing. Nothing was thrown away. They are really nice clothes. I want to thank you again.

You're very welcome. I'm glad they went to people that needed them. I was very attached to a few of those items, they were hard to part with, but I'm glad you and the others will get to enjoy them too.
As far as lunch again, we'll just have to post when we're going to meet and give others the option of joining us. There's plenty of places around here to get protein friendly food.
I can't wait to hear what Dr. Naziri says. Will you get a date tomorrow?
Take care.

I hope I will get the date tomorrow! I have done everything. I can't stand the waiting. And at work they ask me everyday. The girl that will work in my place has already been laid off. She only works 10 months. They were going to just keep her on the payroll, if they knew how long it would be. I hope I get a date tomorrow!