Big Medicine
Hi Ellen Thanks for posting that. I'll be sure to watch. Nothing was going on on the S.C. Board so I thought I would try our neighbors to the north.
I like your profile. Disney all the way!!
The miracle isn't that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start.....John Bingham aka The Penguin
Thanks! My Cinderella thing is a long story. Prince Charming (my DH) and I went to his senior prom together and afterwards went to the Boardwalk. While there a woman came up to me and said, "I just wanted you to know that my daughter just asked me if you were Cinderella." That started it, since then the Prince has given me several gifts and one b-day party with Cinderella themes. We call each other Cinderella and Prince Charming too. It sort of stuck, which is fine with me. It was my favorite book as a child as well.
Take care.

That is such a sweet story about you and your husband!! I thought you just chose that name because Ellen is close to CinderELLA!!! What a dunce I am, huh? LOL
Thanks for the reminder about "Big Medicine". I am going to try to watch it tonight if I don't forget! Sometimes my brain doesn't work so well - escpecially on Monday!!

Life is short ~ dance like no one's watching!!

Well, I missed Big Medicine...after talking about it for 2 weeks! Geesh! Exhausted myself after a 3 day weekend of planting, mulching, trimming, etc. Sad that I missed the show...but my flower beds look amazing!
Also, speaking of nicknames, mine is Peanie. Yeah, I know. Sounds a little obscene, but it's short for Peanut. I was born a preemie and my dad called me Peanut. My siblings couldn't say Peanut and started calling me Peanie...from day one! Now, at age 43, I am still Peanie. Aunt Peanie...Miss Peanie, etc. I don't mind it. Dad, on the other hand, HATED it! But if you think about it, it's all his fault really...LOL
Have a great week. And your new picture looks amazing! Is hair lighter too? You look terrific! Can't wait till it's my turn to be "born again." All the success on this site keeps me hopeful. Keep up the good work.