Hi. I'm new to the board. I am 4 weeks out from gastric bypass. Today I started a soft diet which I was so excited about. I am very tired of the pureed/blenderized diet these last 4 weeks. Did great with 1/4 c. cheerios this morning. Lunch was bad with a scambled egg--ate 2 bites-GAG!! Dinner was okay with 1/4 c. veggie soup and 2 crackers. I am drinking water and my three protien shakes (60 Gm protien) daily. My question is....will I ever eat "normal food". I guess I am just jumping the gun. Foods smell great, sound great and if they hit my tongue it is horrible. I can take one swallow of something and regret crystal lite drinks..ick! I do not vomit nor do I get really nauseated,,,just this "ICK" feeling. Make sense? I know, I know...I am only 4 weeks out. I just need some moral support.