Hope everyone had a nice weekend!
Actually pretty quiet here this weekend. My daughter turned 18 on friday! I'm still in total disbelief. How did she grow up and I stayed so young?! Have to hand that one over to RIPLEY'S. lol! Her and a bunch of kids went camping up at the lake, cold rainy weekend but they still had fun. This was the first time we ever let her do something like that but I told her that she's an adult now and I'll try to let go little by little. She really is a mature, responsible girl for her age.
My baby's growing up! Then my son who is 13, went to my parents for the weekend. Little bit of empty nest syndrome. Hubby and I rented 2 movies, "BOBBY" (which was good) & "Little Children" (disturbingly sad). I have my GI appointment tomorrow, which is good so I can get my upper endoscopy schedualed. Oh well, enough about me. How was your weekend?

Great, I had empty nest syndrome myself. My 2 babies, son-10 and daughter-8, went with friends to movies and stayed the weekend with them. I missed their laughter n the house, but it was well needed. I clean and rearranged furniture until I plopped on the sofa out of breath and pooped (lol). Good luck on your EGD, I pray all is well, nana_cvr (ladybug)
Hi Wendy -
My weekend was pretty uneventful...yard work, housework, etc. But this coming weekend will be great! I just moved to NC at the beginning of last year. My 2 best friends are coming down to celebrate my birthday with me. (Gotta love my girls!) They wanted to surprise me but they didn't have my hubby's cell phone #. That's fine 'cuz I prefer to know when people are coming to stay. Things gotta be just right.
Well, it's nice you got to spend some quality time with your honey. I have no lil' ones...or big ones...of my own. My hubby has a daughter 26 and a 7 year old grand daughter. Precious! WE really enjoy them. Have a good week.
I got to catch up on sleep this weekend.......DH left for work Sat. AM at 6, I did not even MOOOVVVVVVVEEEEEEE untill 12:15 and woke up in the state of panic, I have'nt done that since I was a teenager!!! Lol. My nest is empty now, 2 oldest on their own, and 16 yr old I've raised since he was 4 by myself, just recently thinks the grass is greener at his dads and moved there about a month ago. It was a little hard having my psych. eval and answering his questions about my children without sounding depressed. I think I did a good job, even though it's tearing my heart out....sigh....lemme go take my meds........Hugs~~~~~~~~~Nancy
Nancy- Ahhhh the teen years when you could sleep till noon. Even if I wanted to my body won't let me, once my eyes open I'm up. Sorry to hear about your son. My girlfriend went through the same thing a year ago, her son and daughter left. They knew since the father was a lazy shlep they would be able to do anything they wanted. I think later in life the kids will regret it but at their age it's all about themselves. Hang in there and PM me if you want to talk.
Mary- I love it when out-of-towners visit as well as going "home" to visit. I'm originally from NY. My friend keeps asking me when I'm coming and I keep asking her "is it still snowing!" lol! I'd rather visit in the summer when we can be outside and I don't have to worry about all those winter clothes/boots I don't have anymore. In case I forget this weekend

Mary - I'm from Cheektowaga, say that ten times fast! It's right outside of Buffalo. And if you get to missing the snow, you can just take a weekend trip up to the Beautiful NC mts. That's what make this area so unique, east/ocean west/mts all within a couple hours! I think you'll like it here, we moved down in 97'