metabolism test
I had the MEDGEM test done by the nutritionist from my Surgeon's office. It basically cnsisted of putting a clip on your nose and putting the mouthpiece of a hand held breathing machine in your mouth and breathing into it for about 10 minutes or so...very easy. I couldn't eat, drink, or exercise for a few hours before having it done (I can't remember precisely, but I think it was for about 3 hours before the test). The results are given instantly. I did not have one done before surgery and the only reason I had it done at 1 1/2 yr post op is because I hit a 6 month long plateau and I needed to know about how many calories I need to take in to start the losing process again. If your NUT doesn't offer the test, I know sometimes it is offered as part of outpatient services at hospitals, personal trainers at local gyms, etc. The lady at the ofice where mine was done said insurance doesn't pay for it but you could always check with your carrier just to be sure. Otherwise you could just pay out of pocket. Mine was $75.