Has anyone had any problems with their psychological release for surgery?
First, I would like to thank everyone for the support, understanding, and suggestion.
Thank you.
Next, I'm happy to report that I visited a woman PsyD on Friday. She was upfront about what was going to go on, she did not do the 500 question exam - she simply had me fill out some paperwork and answer some questions regarding my exercise, eating habits, etc, then we talked for about an hour.
It was exactly as I have heard how it's "supposed" to be, and nothing like what I went through with the other person. She is requesting his notes, because she needs to review them in order to complete her report.
I took along photos of my family this time - my great grandfather, grandfather, aunts, uncle, mom, and a photo of my mom, daughter (who is 5'6" and close to 300 lbs) and me together. I wanted her to see that this is also a family trait. I have an aunt and uncle that are 400 lbs. I don't want to end up like them, barely able to walk and hooked up to machines at night. She asked if my dad and sister were overweight too - nope - they are both skinny as a rail.
I'm crossing my fingers that the other guy's report doesn't taint hers. She said it may take a week longer to get her report to my surgeon since she is waiting on the other person's notes. Hey - 2 weeks and my surgeon gets a report? That's WAY better than 2.5 months of appointments with no resolution, right?
Hoping for a good report - after that, I just need the nutritionist's report and I'll be ready for insurance submission.

Wow, after reading all the posts on this subject, I feel VERY lucky! I just went for my Psyc evual. and it was a breeze! I just sat and chatted with this chubby PA with one eye! (no kidding) He was super nice, and it only took about 45 mins. I did not have to take a test or write anything down. He said that he would recomend that I have the surgery, and that was it. $40 copay and I was done.
Good Luck to everyone!