They called from Dr Bauman/Pirrello's office and needed my surgical clearance from Dr Kelling's office, I called them last week and Dr Kelling's office said they would send it the next day, I emailed Kim H (patient coordinator) and told her this, i still have not heard if they have received it, I just sent an email to the office to make sure they received it so they can get it to BCBS. I guess I am impatient but I too am a nurse and I respond a little quicker to my patients than this office does. Maybe I am just PMSing today. But this has happed three times before with the office in Concord, if someone would have responded to my 2 calls and 3 emails than I would have maybe been 2 weeks earlier on things that I needed. I am going to call Dr Kelling office to make sure they faxed it to Dr Pirrello's office, I know when I email Dr Pirrello I get a response faster than 2 weeks
Hi Patty! I know the frustration. I had all things completed in mid Feb. I even was contacted by the insurance on March 12 that I had clearance and still did not get surgery until April 16. Hang in there.
I am doing great. I have not had to take any pain meds since I left the hospital on Wed. I get headaches but that to me is not a reson to take the pain medication. It is very hard to get the fluids in. Dr Pirrello was great. This has been worth the wait.
Yes i sometimes feel like I did the wrong thing- I love to have dinner with my family and the fluids is not the same. I know in time I will be able to set down to a "meal " with them again.
Sorry to hear about your "snag". Be your own best advocate! Call the office's and just say that you "just wanted to make sure" they recieved/sent... I know it gets frustrating to us, I'm a nurse and I know how busy the offices can get. I'm not making excuses for anyone I just know that you need to advocate for yourself in any cir****tance. My philosophy for what it's worth - "kill 'em with kindness"

that's me always sometimes I feel like I am a push over....I try to look on the other side to understand....and I do agree you can get more with sugar than do-do.(can't say what I was thinking). Jessica(one of the good one's) replied back Friday and said they got the medical that must be all that I am waiting on from the insurance....let's see how this week goes if I hear anything. Trust me everytime I have been there it has not been busy (boy am I being mean this am) no patients in the waiting room, you can tell a busy office....i have been there too. I know that I am impatient....a bad trait of mine. thanks for all ya'lls support
Do they still use that website where the record the steps online so you can check it yourself? It will take time, no matter where you are in the process.
I would just be patient it will all take place soon enough. Just keep on top of it, but pace the check in's. Your insurance probably won't be that timely either.
Good Luck