2 more weeks til joining the "L" bench..
It's official... 2 weeks from today and I will be able to take my place on the bench... Had my vascular and anesth. consults this morning... got the orders written and all the "i"s dotted and "t"s crossed. All tests etc. are done... So now only thing is to drop as much weight as I can in the next 2 weeks and call on the 26th for my arrival time... I might need someone to tie me down... getting the feeling I am going to start
all over the place...
Take care, Nelle

Good for you Nelle. I hope all goes well and you keep us posted on your progress on the losers' bench. I'm still waiting for insurance approval myself...sure is a long process isn't it?
Now you can relax and prepare for the rest of your life. You will be in my thoughts and prayers on the 26th.
Good Sunday Morning,
Just curious, How long have you been waiting for approval?who is your ins carrier? i meet with the surgeon, Dr. Cooke on May 2 for H&P, then my stuff goes to Ins, if he approves me as a candidate. I feel like a teenager again, so excited! I also am concerned as is my husband about reading how many people regain their weight. Any insight on that? I do not want to endure all this just to gain it back. I do not understand how a smaller stomach allows you to eat too much to regain weight? Does the stomach stretch? Just wondering at this point, I can research it more, but thought maybe you knew.
Enjoy the Lord's day,
Labugmom in Mooresville, NC