Preference of Protein Shakes?
Earthfare had at least 20 different brands/flavors etc... I tried what I wanted pre-op to get out the really nasty ones... there were 5 that I liked... I bought samples and retried those same 5 post-op... they all went down the drain except for one
They are opening a Whole Foods in SouthPark sometime or another... I cant wait its one of my favorite places!

My advice would be to at least narrow it down to a few brands or you will be overwhelmed post-op... my tastes didnt change post-op... only thing was I could not handle anything thick... it just felt stuck in my throat... thats what helped me narrow down the last 5 brands to 1 brand. At only 1.50-2.50 a sample I think its worth trying a few... plus you can see exactly what you are getting into

Go ahead and try a lot of protein drinks and shakes now but dont stock up on anything. I found a brand of whey powder that I really liked preop and bought literally 50 pounds of it. I also bought a lot of other protein drinks.
I bought some EAS chocolate flavored rinks but I developed a strong intolerance for milk products and I cant drink them anymore at all. I used to love them but now they make me very very very very sick if I drink them.
After surgery I couldnt tolerate the whey protein anymore. Now that its been two months Ive managed to start drinking it again but not that much. It will go bad before I even put a dent in my 50 pound bag.
The isopure drinks are still good and I still go get some of them every once in a while. They still taste good to me and they go down well with no problems. I liked every flavor except grape. For some reason grape tasted like crap to me preop and postop.
Im only two months out so take it for what its worth but my tastes are constantly changing. Some things I tolerated well before I cant tolerate now and some things that I couldnt eat before go down fine now. Keep an open mind and be willing to try new foods if only a nibble here and there to see how it affects you.