Has anyone here had an endoscopy at Northeast Digestive Center in Concord? I was wondering about their protocol during the procedure. Do they give you something to make you loopy or are you aware during the whole procedure? If anyone has any insight I would appreciate it!
274-pre bypass
127-post bypass
Are you ok? I hope you are not having more problems. I don't know the answer to your question, but thought I'd check on you. Stay well.
I am staying healthy, but my weight won't budge. I really want to lose another 15 lbs, so I need to kick it into high gear! I am back on 2 protein shakes a day and am trying very hard to eliminate all refined carbs from ymdiet--some days are better than others though.
Well. keep me posted & feel well.
Hey Roberta! I'm having a few problems with pain after I eat. I had a CT scan Monday that didn't show anything so Dr P and Dr B think I may have an ulcer. I don't have a gallbladder and the hernia I had in the Peterson's space is repaired so that can't be the problem. So they want me to have an endoscopy done to see if I have an ulcer.
As fas as weightloss goes I'm actually trying to put some weight on. I can't wrap my mind around it though and it's not going real well. I mean a year ago I was trying to get it off as fast as I could and now I need to put on about 10 lbs. I weigh around 127 and I'm 5'6" tall. I had an abdominoplasty and breast lift March 8th so I am recovering from that too. Believe it or not the tummy tuck was a breeze.
Anyways I'll keep you posted. I miss seeing you guys at the meetings. We haven't had one is so long and last I heard Clytie got married and nobody's heard from Nancy!
Talk to ya soon
I certainly hope that they figure out what is wrong & fix it. Wow, a breat lift & tummy tuck- you must look great. I am definately going to have the girls hoisted and filled at some poitn, but not sure yet about anything else. My sag is really on the sides and on my thighs, so I am not sure that anything short of a circumferential lift would help & I am a huge chicken.
I will not consider it until I have actually reached my goal weight and maintained for a year though, so I've got some time. George is trying to put on weight as well (or I should say mass). he works out all the time, but can't seem to consume enough calories to put on any substantial muscle mass. I think he hasmanaged to gain 3-5 lbs in the past 6 months or so.
I miss seeing everybody too. Once you are all healed up from your reconstruciton, lets seriously get together.
Have a rgeat weekend.
I am a nurse but not in concord, usually they do conscious sedation which means they give me medicine to make you looping, and/or versad, it's a wonderful drug you do not remeber anything, we use to also use something called Hurricane spray which numbs your throat (kind of like chloroseptic spray but a whole lot stronger) they have withdrawn it from the shelf, so not sure what they use now.
Don't worry, I know that is easier said then done.
I had an endscopy with them in Feb, but it was at the hospital. I was in and out in 15 or so minutes. They said the dr wanted to see me, but I was out quicker then it took to get him there. The worse for me was the IV. Sedation is good, nausea is bad.
I have nausea from time to time too. I was having it daily, I to had the same complication surgery as you, but haven't had any reconstruction.
Good Luck.
Hey Carly
I had one done about a month ago thinking it was an ulcer also.
They do give you a IV...i remember going into the procedure room, the doc coming in and that is the last I remember.
They should give you pictures of the inside of your stomach.
Hardest part was the IV, the nurse was having a problem getting it in correct. Good luck and keep us informed.