To fat for surgery!
I'm tryinmg to find a sergun who will do the surgery on me at 463 pounds, I have a great surgen now but he will not do it until I lose weight because my BMI is 74, plus I'm on Medicare and I have to use a hospital that has the Code of excellence that is COE for short. Does anyone know where I can get help, I have already passed everything I need to until I lose the weight. I have never lost that much weight at one time my whole life!
Cliff, some doctors will take patients that high. You'll need to call around and see who will and who won't. I believe Dr. Chapman at ECU does. I know Dr. Shirmer at UVA in Charlottesville, VA does. Being a medicare patient limits your choices, but I know that Pitt County Memorial does have the Certificate of Excellence, as does UVA. Good luck and keep us posted.
Take care.
Hey Cliff,
Dr Voellinger takes the higher BMI's. I know that Presbyterian hospital in Charlotte had their site visit for the COE on 2/15/07 and were told they would know within 90 days. I say give them a call and see if they can help you.
They might not be able to take you right now but once the COE is approved you should be able to proceed.
Good Luck!!!!

Bless your heart. Like someone below said : Dr Bauman/Dr Pirrello in Concord do the surgeries at NEMC and they are COE. Here are the phone numbers, fax and address to save you a little time.
1090 Vinehaven Dr.
Concord, NC 28025
Phone: 704-786-5700
Fax: 704-786-5703
Hope this helps. Prayers be with you.
Thanks for the reply I called him today and they told me to go inline and fill out the pages and send it in then they came back and said the nurse would look it over and call me back. I hope they will let me change and have it, my other surgern said no not until I lose 63 pounds. Good news I did lose 8 pounds in 9 days but I had to just stop eating. I dont know how long I can do this but I'm still going strong!