Medic Alert Bracelets
I just ordered my medic alert bracelet. From what I understand, it's important for Gastric Bypass Patients to wear one. In the event that you are incapacitated, the EMS crew needs to know not to blindly intubate you, they could do real damage to your pouch. My bracelet says Diprovan Allergy, Gastric Bypass Patient, No Blind NG Tube, and No NSAIDs. I ordered it from , however there are many sites out there that make them. Just thought I'd pass this along.
Take care.
Hi Ellen,
I didn't think about that but it does sound like a good idea. I think I will mention it at the next support meeting and see what the Dr. thinks. How are you doing now? I know it hasn't been that long but I was wondering if your pain is better and if it feels like things are getting back in place.
Hi Judy. I'm doing pretty good actually. The pain is nearly gone as long as I behave myself. I still can't roll onto my sides in bed or bend over much, but other than that, I feel hardly any pain at all. I'm still learning what my new "pipes" are like, but that is improving as well. I feel nearly human again. Thanks for asking.
Take care.

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