Specific vitamins for preventing hair loss
I am 12 weeks out and have not had any unusual hair loss as yet but I am told it can be a problem. Does anyone know if there are specific vitamins for preventing hair loss. I am faithful with my vitamins daily and so far my labs have been good. Just trying to stay ahead of the game. Thanks for any tips. Norma
Hi Norma
Biotin - plain and simple it's the best thing to take for your hair loss. It will not keep your hair from coming out but you will not go bald. Trust me, I STILL take my Biotin everyday and always will. My hair is much thicker and more manageable than it was preop. I use the 1500 mg per day. My daughter still has hair come out in the shower every day but her hair is beautiful also. Rapid weight loss causes hair loss...in the beginning you will see a lot more but after the weight loss levels off it will not be so noticeable. One of the little things to deal with...still better than being 100 lbs or more overweight. At least to me it is!
Good luck,
Lynne -130 lbs
I had an appointment with my primary care giver yesterday and asked him about Biotin. He said go ahead. Don't you know I didn't ask how much he thought would be appropriate. You said you take 1500. I bought 1000mcg tablets. The bottle says 1 daily for 333% daily dosage. I looked it up on the net and we get Biotin in some foods and it is made by an enzyme in our intestines but since we have only half of our intestines and we eat so little I can see how we would need extra of a lot of things. I checked my bariatric vitamins and Biotin is not listed. Neither is vitamin H which is another way it can be described even though it is part of the B complex group. Weird! So...what made you decide on 1500 and does yours say mg or mcg? In one of the responses I got to this post the person said they take 4500 a day. Thanks again for you thoughts on this matter. Blessings and a wonderful weekend to you, Norma
Protein protein protein is most imporant... also making sure there is some fat in your diet... taking all your suppliments daily and getting in your fluids also helps. You can take the biotin suppliment - I suggest a higher dose early out (you cant OD on it)... I started with 25000mcg. My surgeon said there was no proof that it helped but I figured that it couldnt hurt and he agreed!
Im two months out today and my hair is thinning some in the front. All the men in my family eventually get just a bald spot on the top of their heads so Im pretty sure this is because of the surgery.
My protein intake is averaging 90 grams per day. I take 4500 mg of biotin every day, plus zinc and calcium. If it happens it happens. If it looks too bad Ill just shave my head.