Any advice?????????
I am going to my PCP tomorrow morning and tell him I am wanting surgery, hopefully he will be with me on this and give me a referral letter (not that I am required to have one, but it looks better to insurance). Being one to never speak their mind aloud, I am starting to get nervous about this already..and advice? I just feel I need to talk about this I guess 'cause I'm chicken. ~~Nancy

I'd try to obtain the surgeon's requirements before you go, this will show your serious about it and help guide the PCP with filling the surgeons requirements. You shouldn't be afraid to ask for something that is going to help you and your future. It will give you a new lease on life, you'll ask yourself, why didn't I do this sooner.
Good Luck.,
I hear you. I was so nervous because I had previously asked the Doctor's PA about it and she said no. So months later when I finally got mad about it I went to an appointment with the PCP and was ready to tell her that if she didn't give her support on this that I would have to find another PCP. By the time I got two words out I was teary eyed and couldn't stop talking. I needn't have been so nervous. She readily agreed with me, mentioned that she had other patients that it had helped, and ordered a whole bunch of blood work because she felt they would need updated labs. She has been really good about it...I go quite often because of my diabetes and thyroid issues so I see her all the time and she keeps asking how far along the process I am. Last time she even asked if there was anything she could do to speed up the process.
So, after that long story, my advice to you is to take a deep breath, tell your PCP that this is what you want and that you have been researching all aspects of the surgery and most of all stand your ground!
Good luck and be firm! Let us know how you do. E
I was also somewhat concerned. Basically, I let my PCP know that I've truly tried everything under the sun. I have a family history of diabetes, cholesterol, and coronary artery desease. I said that I want to do something while I'm still well enough to really benefit from the surgery.
Part of my concern is that I'm just "borderline" w/a BMI of 39-40. (As a matter of a fact, I recently attended a support group and one of the people there said what the others were thinking ... Have you already had the surgery and successful weightloss ... everything is relative to your own situation.) At any rate, I needn't have been concerned when contacting my PCP. They have been very supportive. During the testing process we found that I have developed Type 2 Diabetes, elevated cholesterol, sleep apnea, and a few more little helpful medical conditions that should resolve themselves if I can get the excess weight off.
I think if you address the health concerns that you have, you should be fine.
All the best,
Well, I did it, and I'm back with a letter in hand! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. I was nervous at first, then got on a roll, he finally had to interrupt me by saying"so let's do it" and I shut up, lol. He said anything he can do to help, let him know. Whew!!~~~~~~~~~~~~I'm calling surgeon Monday
oh, by the way, my bp was elevated, and he perscribed water pills, because I'm at my max. dose of the bp med I am taking