I have a DATE!!!
Woweeee!! I went to meet with my surgeon Dr. Timothy Farrell. He gave me a surgery date of MARCH 28, 2007! He had a cancellation ... so it was either that or 5 weeks from now. I apologize for not posting this week. It has been one of those crazy weeks and I have hardly been online. Thanks for your support and I'll see you on the other side!
Diane -
That is fantastic!
I cannot believe it happened so fast ... Weren't we just talking about this last week?
I know that you are going to have a successful journey because you have your head on straight! Please let me know if you would like to have a visitor. If you are not sure, remember to take my card with you to the hospital and give me a call if you want a visitor.
Wishing great success and warmest congratulations,
Barbara C
P.S. Thanks again for inviting me to the UNC CH Support Group. I appreciate it more than you know.

Thanks Barb,
I so enjoyed you at the support group meeting! I have made an appointment with the therapist that did my psych eval, Dr. Debra Gibon for April 26th. I want to get some formal counseling on my eating disorder before the hunger returns! I know with her help I will have all the tools I need to beat this horrible disease. I look at food as an addiction, just as bad and debilitating as drugs and alcohol. I know I can't do it alone. I will call you from the hospital. Thank you so much for looking after me. It means so much more than you know.
Your friend,
Diane -
I am so pleased to hear that you are going after the formal counseling. I think that for us, food is an addiction. I am also seeing a counselor re: my relationship with food and how to manage it, long term. I know that for me the surgery will only be one weapon in my arsenal. I sort of feel like it will be a bazooka I can use to blast away the pounds; however, I know that I'll need some amunition in my bazooka to make sure it will be effective. The amunition being the counseling.
I think that using the two tools in concert, the surgery and counseling, will ensure your success.
I look forward to your progress on your journey to improve your health and life.
Barbara C.