Vitamin D deficiency ?
Good Morning Everyone,
I'm now just over 1 year out, I'm down to 165 pounds, having lost 82 pounds. I'm doing very well. I want to loose at least 20 more pounds. I've been having some trouble with my vitamin D, which is sunshine. It's really hard for our bodies to absorb this vitamin, especially if you don't get out in the sun much. Trust me on this, make sure you take your vitamins. Have your blood work done. Stay on top of this part of your new life. Just this one vitamin deficiency can cause the most terrible side effect. Just a few for example. Mood swings and depression, fatigue (extreme) unexplained bone pain...With the fatigue comes the mental fog and some confusion....I've had my test for this deficiency, won't know until monday. But its not too fun..
Other than that, I'm great, loosing really slow now. It's getting easier to eat more and I really have to watch what I'm doing.....
Question: Has anyone else had a vitamin D deficiency? Let me know how you felt and what they did to help you get over it....

Hey Sandi! I have a Vitamin D deficiency too! I have to take 50,000 IU's twice a month. I had mood swings and fatigue but that was it. I hope you do okay with it. I miss seeing everyone at the meetings. I went to the last 2 that were cancelled because I didn't get the note and then I was there in January but there wasn't but a few people there. I hope we all get back on track with the meetings. Hope to see you soon!
I too have a Vit D deficiency. Mine actually was discovered during pre-surgery bloodwork. I started out taking a prescription Vit D capsule (50,000 IU) once a week for 4 weeks, now just once a month. Also, at least 15 minutes outside each day w/o sunblock--shouldn't be too hard now that the weather is getting warmer.