Hi everyone, I am Tanya. I am interested in the Lap Band procedure. I know several people who have had the Gastris Bypass, but I have not met anyone here who have had the band. I was wondering if I could get some feedback from those who have had the band. I am 31 yrs old and weigh 278 lbs my BMI is over 50!!! My insurance company UHC covers the Lap Band. I have a screening appointment April 12. I am anxious to talk with someone who has had the surgery, and how it has affected their life. Thank You for your time. :-)
Hi Tanya,
I had my Lap Band surgery on the 4th of Jan 2007, and have done wonderfully. I really do love my band. The most important thing to remember is that the Lap Band, as with any other weight loss surgery, is a tool for weight loss. I, like everyone else, am having to retrain my brain about this whole eating thing.
I am losing about 1.5lbs a week, which is not bad. Please feel free to email me if you would like any additional information.
Hey Tanya
I had the lap-band June 2005. It is working great for me. I have lost over 100 pounds. I just recently got a fill and it has jump started my weight loss again. That is one thing I love about it is it's adjustable.
Durning Oct - Feb I didn't loss but maybe 5 - 10 pounds, I got comfortable where I was but now I want to loss more and the fill is helping me do it. Good Luck and like it was said above...it's a tool any surgery is so take your tool and use it to the fullest. The head thing will get you but we have a phrase that when the doc bands your belly you have to band your brain as well.
I do re-certs for our office and UHC is pretty easy. Just do what you doc ask for and then it's helpful to provide them w/ a 3 year weight history if you can.
Good Luck!!!!

Thank You guys for the encouraging words! I am so excited! I know it will be good for me, I know I am going to have to change alot of my old habits, but it will be so much worth it to be healthier for myself and my family. Does anyone recommend a NC dr that does Lap Band procedures, the group I am thinking about have not been doing the bands long!