Find out what your insurance requires for approval. Try to get your weight history information from your Primary Care Physician if possible. Ask him to write a letter of medical necessity for you detailing your weight loss attempts over the past few years, etc.
I would recommend you go and buy a few books on this as it will alleviate some of your fears and questions... I think weight loss surgery for dummies is one and there are more...Im sure someone else can recommend one also.
The title "Weight Loss Surgery For Dummies" is laughable...but the information inside is wonderful...and spoken in terms ANYONE can understand. And you don't have to consider yourself a "dummy" to buy it. It played a major part in my decision to take the plunge into a life change I otherwise would not have considered...
I had surgery with Dr. Enochs on 02/28/2007. He is a wonderful surgeon with an awesome bedside manner. He also took my gallbaldder out in January.... As far as his practice goes, he is in a new partnership with new staff, that in itself will present a learning curve. His new staff seems very nice and knowledgable, but things maybe a little slower st the start til his new Bariatric Coordinator is up to speed. Other then that, Dr. Enochs is "Fantastic". Good luck with your process!
Welcome to our group! And congratulations on selecting Dr Enochs! I have heard wonderful things about him. I almost chose him, however, Dr. Farrell and UNC Chapel Hill are much close for me and a quick commute down Hwy 54. Know that these things take a little time and it helps to be patient. Expect all good things! Your life is going to improve 10 fold! Please know that I am here if you need me.