2 weeks post opt-Dumping
Your body is having a tough time adjusting to the foods you have been eating. Im not really sure what you could be eating at this stage that could cause dumping though.
I THINK I had a dumping experience about a week ago or so. I think I just drank too much gatorade too fast or something. I ended up laying down in my friends truck for about 30 minutes or so until it passed. I sure didnt like how it felt and I made sure to limit my gatorade intake to what I absolutely had to have to stay hydrated.
Whatever causes you dumping you should identify it and stop eating that at least for a while until your body has had time to adjust.
Ok, I just got some information and it seems that what I am experiencing is not "dumping" . My symptoms are chest pain and throwing up-which I guess is classic signs of getting food stuck in my pouch. The suggestion I got was to eat slower and chew really good.
So my next question is does that mean that I probably tolerate the food that I am eating but I need to just slow down?
What are you eating that is making you throw up?? Most people dont experience vomiting until they are eating more "normal" foods. You said you are 2 weeks out and getting ready to move onto pureed so Im not sure what would cause you to throw up unless you are drinking too quickly. Definately contact your surgeon and let them know what is going on.
Hello Folks,
I learned the most important thing when eating after Gastric by pass is S...L...O....W,,, go very slow, sip if you are still on liquids , use a baby spoon, set the spoon down between nibbles,,,, be careful of eating while watching TV, before you know it you are eating too fast.
When you do start soft foods ---- start with cottage cheese and really mushey bland stuff.
It takes awhile to learn what will freak the ol pouch put .
Take care and remember SLOW