hopelessly hopefull
I tried to get approved for the gastric bypass the year before last. I was denied. i have since tried several alternatives. I am trying to decide which to go with the lap band or the full on gastric bypass. I have no problem finding a surgeon for the gastric bypass, but cant seem to find a surgeon in charlotte that does the lap band. Any suggestions on which procedure i should persue? and why? Anyone know of a good surgeon for the lap band?
thanks for reading.
Dr.Bauman in Concord does the Lap band. Im going RNY. I want to do this once and not mess about with fills and slipage and all that sort of thing which can occur with the band. You have to make the best decision for you though. Whats best for me and my lifestyle wont necessarily be for you and yours. Just research research research! Informed is the best way to decide.
Dr Voellinger does the lap-band in Charlotte. He did mine a year and half ago. It has worked great for me. It was for sure the right choice for me. www.southeastbariatrics.com is his website.
Good luck....