Okay, so I normally don't post things like this because I figure it's just my opinion. But I have to vent. I cannot believe that any movie studio in the 21st century would think that making a movie like Norbit would be a good idea. Why is it that it is unacceptable to make fun of people for their religion, sexual orientation, or anything else really, but anyone can make fun of fat people? It really is the only acceptable prejudice left, isn't it? I'll tell you why it's acceptable, it's because a society like ours made Norbit the number 1 movie at the box office last weekend. I cannot believe that there aren't more people upset about this movie. Oh well, what do I know, apparently I'm just a psychotic, overbearing, desperate fat woman. That's how we're portrayed the bulk of the time.
As an aside, what is it that Eddie Murphy has against overweight people anyway? His movies make fun of them time and time again. I have long made it a practice to no****ch his movies because they're usually low quality dribble, but really, aren't the fat jokes getting old?
Oh well. Just had to vent. Hope you all had a great weekend and are looking forward to a nice Valentines Day.
Take Care.
Hi, I had to reply to your ad on here..... It is hard on fat people when other make fun of "fat" people. This is one place I can say my peace.
Before my surgery I was 417 lb. It was "my" fault cause I was fat. I had let myself get in this shape. I was pasted the point of fat... I was huge!!
I understand your feelings,but at the sametime.... Most of us put our selfs in this place.
That is why I was a misfit and picked on cause I was fat.
I am not saying it is right but it is how life makes us stronger. You have to be strong for yourself and be able to over come small stuff like this.
I had my surgery on July 12th 05. To date I have lost..... 210 lb and I feel great and run around like I was 10 again. But, if I look at myself... I still feel fat and guess I always will.
Keep your head up and don't let this get to ya,ok...

Hey James. Congratulations on your success, pre-ops like me love to read stories like yours. It keeps us going when it seems like the insurance approval is taking foreeeeevvvvvvveeerrrrrrrrr!
I had to ruminate on your comment overnight before I replied. First, let me say that this doesn't "get to me" or get my head down. I just found it astounding that in a society as "progressive" and "tolerant" as ours is supposed to be, that a movie like Norbit would be number one at the box office. How many people saw Norbit it's opening weekend as compared to an uplifting film like Freedom Writers? Well, in one weekend Norbit grossed 34 Million + dollars. Freedom Writers has grossed 35 Million in 6 weeks of release. Why can we as a society not see that as a problem?
I'm not picking on any one person in particular here on the boards, I hope no one feels singled out. I admit, the first time I saw the trailer, I laughed at the scene when she goes down the bulle****er slide and crashes through the fence. I definitely can see humor in life. But all too often morbidly obese people are depicted as depressed, agoraphobic, stupid, desperate, or psychotic, or any combination of the above. Some of us are. I applaud those of us that are actively trying to do something about our health.
I recognize that at my highest weight, 425, I was totally paddling my own canoe. I got myself into that shape through horrible diet and no exercise. I was severely depressed and had a lot of baggage from my childhood, but the bottom line is, as an adult I am responsible for myself. That does not give anyone else the right to make me feel bad about who I am. Everyone, and I mean EVERYONE, has issues. It is unfortunate that some of us have to wear our issues on the outside instead of hiding it like the person who struggles with anger, anxiety, or even alcoholism or drug addiction. Our issues our hanging out there for the world to see and judge us for. It isn't too much to ask that society cut us some collective slack. We are asked to see alcoholism, drug addiction, depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and a whole host of other things as diseases for which the person should not be judged. Why are we then judged for our addiction to food?
Don't mistake my anger over this movie as some sort of justification for being overweight. It isn't. I just would like to see less of the sort of movie like Norbit. I'm not asking for a Morbidly Obese person to be cast as a romantic lead in a movie, just don't make us the central joke of one. Let me deal with my addiction and Eddie Murphy can deal with whatever he's got.
Thanks for replying James. I really was looking for a discussion about this movie. I wanted to see how others felt about it. Glad you took the time.
Take Care.
I haven't seen previews for this movie, but after reading this post, I looked it up online.
I have to agree with Ellen. While we might be obese because of bad choices we have made, it doesn't give Hollywood permission to portray in that manner. And I think that big women are portrayed differently than large men. Look at the show "the King of Queens." Reversing their sizes would never fly. Never.
And why can't a large woman be the romantic lead? Fat girls need love, too.
Take care!
Hey Becky. I hadn't thought about the King of Queens, but you're right. If Carrie was the overweight one and "what's his name" was the thin one, it would never have run even a full season. There is some gender bias to this whole issue.
I also agree that fat girls need love too. I was just thinking baby steps at the time.
Thank goodness we're doing something about our health and well being through lifestyle change and (possibly)surgery. I hope that we always remember, no matter what size we end up, what it felt like to be like this. May we never take our lives for granted, no matter what!
Take Care.

hi there, ellen-
i will add this to your thoughtful posts-- it's not just the entertainment industry, yes, the same oh-so-politically-correct entertainment industry-- that feels fat is the last bastion of acceptable public prejudice but look at the stats for obesity and employment. get ready to be paid less and have less opportunity for advancement if one is obese. now i'm not unrealistic and i do see the correlation between higher medical claims, increased time off work related to weight-related issues, and all the other quietly whispered comments from HR but honestly... it sure seems as if there are lots of people who find fat people fair game for prejudice, public humiliation, and other just nasty events. as someone who has lost over half my original body weight in the past two years, i have no problem is stating the world is kinder to thin people-- and i may even go so far as to say, especially thin women. it's not fair. it's unkind. grrrr, it just plain stinks. i have no answers other than to give you a cyber hug and encourage you along your journey, wherever it may take you.
oh, eddie murphy... he's had his own share of public embarrassments as i recall. you may find some humour is his escapades.
off topic but, is it always this cold in NC?