5 days post op...
Im now 5 days post op. Im still hurting quite a bit and Im very tired. Im sleeping probably 20 hours a day.
My first day home I managed to get in 52 ounces of water and 65 grams of protein. Im up to 70 ounces of water and 70 grams of protein. Thats pushing myself pretty hard and for the next few days at least I doubt Ill be able to get much more in than that. Im still a little dehydrated so I might go to my PCP and get him to give me some IV fluids also.
In weighing myself I am already the smallest Ive been in probably 4 years. In two days Ive lost almost 16 pounds.
Having some painful burps but I feel better after every burp. Im checking my temperature and blood sugar and they are normal and about 160 respectively. Im going through hot flashes I think too. Intense sweats followed by being cold.
Hopefull this will pass soon. Right now I feel pretty bad. My cousin went back to work after 2 weeks so Im hoping Ill be like here.
Just remember, this will take time. You just had major surgery as we all have.
We all react and recovery differently. I had the sweats like you describe for a long time. Your body is in major ketosis and it's all normal.
I don't remember being able to consume that much liquid or protein when I first had WLS. I remember something about the 40 gram a day range, right now I do not consume enough protein, so I cannot mention what I'm supposed to consume right now.
Good Luck. I went to work after 3 weeks and my dr was tough about sitting around and babying yourself. I remember being very tired until around May or June it took a while to pass. Losing weight is hard work.
Keep up the good work, remember how hard you fought to get this surgery and please don't get discouraged.
Thank you for your response Jennifer.
Im not discouraged. I know Im not my normal self right now, and things will improve with time. I noticed I started dreaming again yesterday and tonight. As you can tell from the time I posted this, Im not sleeping all night.
Im using every waking moment to drink liquids, usually isopure. I used to be able to drink a 20 ounce drink in a few seconds and its taking some getting used to going this slow.
No head hunger or real hunger at all since surgery.
Thank you again for your response.