Hi everyone,
I just wantd to get on and let everyone know that I am home from the hospital, everything went well and I'm doin fine. A bit tired and sore but doing great. I just wanted to get on and thank everyone for teh great thoughts and prayers. Especailly concella and specail kay , thanks so much for everything and the flowers theay are beautiful . I'll post later have to go get somerest now.
Thanks for asking....Today was a GREAT day. I feel really good today, I have gotten alot more of my fluids in today.. Yes I am very happy that I was finally able to reach my day. And I know that you will be just as happy. Everyone feel a bit scared and to be honest the day before my surgery Brandon ( my boyfriend ) told me that he was scared as well. So I think that everyone was scaerd. MY only advice is to get in as much information in as you can , follow your dr's and the surgical teams advice. My stomach feels good I drink all the fluids I can....warm tea ( i can get 4-5 cups) down...some chicken broth. AND yes i was walking ASAP...that really helps with the gas, prevents the blood clots and get you ready for the new YOU. Have a good evening.
well thaank you for all your advice and i will follow it, yes i have heard to walk asap. and im not with nothing getting clogged up , so i will take the good with the bad and keep it moving , well im glad you are doing well and that everything is going well and i know the tea feels great . Hay you and brandon have a very good valentines day , and keep me posted im dying to know everything.