How long was your hospital stay?
How long should I expect to be hospitalized? I've heard anywhere from overnight to 5 days. I had to go yesterday to meet the anesthesiologist and being there for 2 hours was more then enough for me. I can not imagine 5 days! As if I were not scared enough, the anesthesiologist tells me I'll need to be awake when they put the breathing tube down my throat - ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!
Bj P
I'm not the normal case, but the exception. I had complications and spent 3 weeks in Presbyterian and 3 weeks at the Rehabilitation hospital. Normally it is 2 nights max.
Also, I was told that I would have to have the breathing tube put in while I was awake. It never happened. I was always asleep and I had four surgeries in four months.
Now, there are some cases where this has to happen, but they will give you a sedative to relax you and you really won't even care.
If you've ever gad a EGD you have to swallow a tube so they can scan your stomach and you have to be awake to help them get the tube in. I don't even remember swallowing the tube. I was given the medicine and the next then I know they were taking out my IV.
Don't stress. Good Luck.

My stay was 2 nights, Dr. V asked me if I wanted to stay another night, but I was ready to be home. 3 Months later I am down 88lbs.
Dr. Voellinger is the best and you will be in good hands. Infact I am trying to work out having my mother travel from NY just so he can do her surgery.
Best of luck to you and let us know how you make out.
God Bless!
Congrats BJ.
I would double check on the tube insertion, I've had RNY and 2 subsequent surgeries and I wasn't awake when they put the tubes in my throat.
I was in the hospital 2 days. All I can say is push yourself and Walk, Walk, Walk,
this will get the jucies flowing and show initative to making things work. I would take a few things with you but you probably won't be bored. The first day of surgery was trying to sleep and taking pain medicine. My care was managed pretty well, I hated the drain that they used, but everything was gone before I came home.
Also, take all the days you need. You will be fatigued for a bit. I enjoyed that time being off.
I went in on Monday morning and came home Wednesday evening. This is standard for my surgeon. Your surgeon should also have a standard and can share this with you.
I work in the medical field and have never heard that explanation of a breathing tube before.
Sounds like you have a lot on anxiety. Do you know anyone personally that you are discussing your fears with? It will be a much more pleasant experience if you are calm and reassured.
I wish you well but already know you will be!!!