support group in raleigh area
Question... has anyone thought about meeting at a bookstore (Barnes N Noble, etc), or a conference room in a library instead of a restaurant? I know our culture is food and I know we fellowship alot around food, well, probably most of our adult lives. I was just wondering if anyone had thought about alternative meeting places.
There's a couple of groups of us that get together for lunch. There's one group that used to meet at Bob Evans restaurant at Briar Creek every Friday lunch. It kind of fell apart for a while but we are trying to get it going again and a few of us met for lunch last week. The three of us that met are about a year to year and a half out but we have had pre ops too.
Another group met at Cracker Barrel on two Sundays a month but it fell apart in the last part of the year also. I believe they did get together recently though.
These groups usually post on the Duke Weight Loss Center forum on their site.
Feel free to email me if you are interested in the Bob Evans group and i'll let you know when we get together again.
[email protected]
I think the next time we will try to meet is on the 26th. If you'd like I can email you next time we get together and you can join us. Last time there were only three of us but there used to be just kind of fell apart over time.
Bob Evans at Briar Creek is at 540 and 70.
[email protected]
Paula, send me your email and I'll try to let you know next time we get together.
[email protected]