Hopefully home today?

Hello Pat,
I am so sorry to hear about Allison's spinal headache. I had that happen to me during a milo gram ( sp??? ) ,,, they shot dye into my spine etc... and it started a leak, the headache was so bad, 10 times worst than the back surgery that followed 4 weeks later. The hospital ended up doing a " blood patch" OMG , it was terrible, so painful.
Tell Allison to relax and rest as much as possible.
You all are in out thoughts and prayers, and remember to call me if you need anything.
Love ya,
The other Allison

My prayers are with you today. Hopefully you'll be at home soon!
I too had to have a hospital bed at home, but for different reasons. All of this will help to make Allison a more determined person. People who have to live through adversity always come out being stronger people because of it. Time will heal all things.