how was your weekend
Mine was good and bad. I felt good . I ate alot. Well alot for me and did not get sick. I have put on a few lbs. Thank god. That was the good. The bad I had to tell a friend of 6 years that I thought he was the one making me so sick all the time. I can't deal with him anymore. I really do think he is the one dragging me down. I had to tell bye. I feel like crap today. I know I will miss him and be so lonely. I get so lonely. But I know god will always be with me. Thank god for my good health. I will worry about the old love life later. I am 41 years old . I have a time to find my mate. God bless all. Have a blessed day.
Hi Amy
I know it is hard to say goodbye but it sounds like you will get better in time. Men can do a number on us because they tend not to think with the heart like we do. I hope you have some friends you can fall back on. We are here for you as well.
My weekend was good and not so good. Had a friend stay with me all weekend because her air conditioning went out at her third floor condo. Hot!! That was good for the company! Friday I spent three hours waiting on my doctor to get a cast off to find out I am out of work for two weeks initially. No pay. Not so good.
So I will join you on your good and bad weekend.

Hi Amy,
Sorry to hear about the bad part of your weekend. Like you said, God is with you all the time, and maybe he will send you a knight in shining armor to sweep you off your feet.
My weekend was pretty good, just too short. I took advantage of the tax-free weekend and bought the kids a few more clothes for school. I tell you, it gets expensive when you are buying clothes for three kids.
I go for my pre-op this Thursday, so I spent my weekend planning my "last meals" for this week before I go on the liquid diet. Just 2 1/2 weeks until my surgery. I am so excited and nervous at the same time. I was reading the WLS memorial page this weekend, boy that will put you to thinking, but I keep telling myself that everything will be alright.
I was reading a lot of your posts Amy, and it seems like you have really been down a rough road. 98 pounds, you weigh less than my 10 year old son. If you don't mind me asking, how much did you weigh when you had your surgery? I admire you for your positive attitude through everything you've been through. I hope I can stay as positive through all this as you have been.
Take care!
My weight was 260. And thanks god for Larry and his wife. I know it was him and god that has helped. And all of you for all the praying that has been done for me. I don't know any of you but I do love all of you and pray for all of you too. Good luck with your gbs. Let us know how things are going for you. God bless.
Hey Amy, Trust me you have time, look at me, I'm 48 and I'm trying to juggle between 2 guys...I'm trying to decide which is the right hard is that? But you my friend, take care of yourself...You've had a long hard time..You get well..You're a beautiful woman, you won't have any problems in that area....I'm glad that you have gained some weight....Take care of yourself....

LOL can I have one of yours. You lucky woman. He didn't want me fat so what makes him think I want him now. I never met any of his friends in the last 6 years and now he wants me meet all of them. I don't think so. I did meet one of his friends. I did let the friend know that I was just a friend and not a best one at that. Men!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
God bless
Congratulations on the weight gain! 

That sounds so weird to post that on this board.
Some people that come into our lives are too needy or demanding of our attention. If you yourself came to the conclusion that he is dragging you down then you are probably right, because we are the last to see the things in our life that pull us down. The world is filled with men. Take your time. You are young and beautiful. First things first!!! Get your health in order so you can be the best Mom possible for your children. Then, go on the prowl.
There are many good men available, but just like shopping for clothes or produce you have to check them out very carefully. Don't be in a hurry for a relationship. Love hits us when we least expect it, not when we are looking for it!
Keep a few of them pounds coming!!!!!

men are alot like eggs. One cracked in every dozen. Just playing. I hope things are going good with you. I am still feeling well. I have a little more energy. I have been eating that little extra bite. I am still hanging at 102...........That sounds so good right now. I am back in the 3 digits................... How can I ever thank you for all the kind words. I really believe that it was your kind words and gods that have snapped me back into reality..Thank you so much. Have the best blessed day..............
God bless
Hi Amy,
I'm glad your weight is going up. And I know that no one is happier about that than you.
I wanted to respond to what you said about getting rid of the toxic person. I know EXACTLY how you feel. My last relationship was toxic through and through...and I'm still recovering from it, even though I broke up with him almost 2 years ago. I could use up all the server bandwidth trying to describe the whole thing to you, but just know that you DID do the right thing.
The best thing you can do for yourself is to rid yourself of people who don't make you feel good about you.
If they don't recognize how wonderfully unique and precious you are, you don't need 'em.
all the best to you...

It took me a long time to see it. But thank god he let me see it now. All I need is my kids. They don't talk bad to me or about me. And I know they are there when I need them. When I went to the hospital about 2 weeks ago. I called him to come over there and bring me a jacket. I was freezing real bad. He only lives 1 mile from the hospital I live 1 hour away. And that sorry rat didn't even show up the whole time I was there. He called my son and told him he was on his way to see me. But didn't. I made up my mind right there that he is no true friend.......................
God bless