Hello everyone!!!

on 8/3/06 2:03 am - Granite Falls, NC
Hi everyone. I am new to OH but I am very excited about being a part of this wonderful group. I can see the support that is provided for one another. It is nice to know I have a place to come to where I can talk to people who know exactly what I am going through. I wish I would have found this site when I started this journey about a year and a half ago. My Rheumatologist told me he thought I should have the gastric bypass surgery done about 1 1/2 years ago. I researched it for about a year, then in February I contacted the Weightloss Surgery center. They sent me the information and I started the ball rolling. That was in February, and now I am 3 weeks away from having my surgery. My pre-op is scheduled for next Thursday then the surgery is scheduled for the 24th. Can you guys who have already had the surgery done give me some idea of what to expect at pre-op, and post surgery. I am very excited, but I am also a little nervous. I don't know anyone personally who has had this done, so I haven't really had anyone to tell me what to expect. Any info would be great. Thanks!
on 8/3/06 8:56 am - Matthews, NC, NC
Hello Chris, Welcome to the board, you will aways find help and love here I had my surgery ( lap RNY ) on March 14, 06 and so far, I have had no problems. Things to do before your surery: some doctors have you do a 2 week liquid, some do not, if yours does, make sure your nutrion person helps you with this time. I personally suggest as many " last suppers " you can take LOL. Read as much information as you can find, I got a book " Weight Loss Surgery for Dummies" , it is a great book for pre and post opers. When you do go to the hospital take with you , Chap Sticks , many flavors as you can find , your mouth will get very dry during your stay. Take your pillow, not only will it give you comfort while in the hospital , it will be a great have for the ride home. Don't worry about PJ's or night wear , the hospital will supply you with the perfect butt less gown, and you can take a second butt less gown and make yourself a niffty house coat. TAKE non skid slippers, you should walk as much as possible . Make a list of who to call , take it with you, let all your friends and family know how you are doing ( having someone up date the board is a nice thing, remember we are family now ) . I took a couple books to the hospital and I read some, but no one else I know did, I guess if you are a reader, you may enjoy it, but I will admit, the drugs make any book FINE Get your house ready before surgery, make sure you have plenty Carnation Instant Breakfast mix or any other your doctor suggest. Crystal light mixed with water and ice will be super yummy the first days after surgery. Sugar Free popsicles are a MUST, get a few boxes and several flavors, you will need the liquid and it is so hard to get enough liquids the first few days. For me ( and age and size makes a difference ) , I had very little pain, my surgery was a piece of cake. I have already lost 108 pounds and I feel great. NO REGRETS , this surgery is a life saver. You may have some down in the dumps days right after surgery, but these pass quick for most. SO be good, listen to the doctor and you will do fine. All my best to you , for a easy surgery and recovery Allison
on 8/3/06 9:58 am - Charlotte, NC
Hi Chris and Welcome, Like Allison, My surgery and recovery was uneventful. I've had a great surgery, recovery and future. My only complaint is that I've had presurgery back issues and they are full fledge back issues now. I wish I could take an advil for the pain, but they can cause ulcers. I would recommend to give up Soda (pop if your from NY) if you like to drink it. After surgery you cannot have caffiene so wean yourself of that too. I didn't bring any books to the hospital but I bought a couple magazines. The first day I slept alot and the second day I started getting bored. I was ready to go home after 48 hours. I was very impressed how well I felt after the surgery too, no stomach sickness or anything. Good Luck with your Journey and you will know, you will never be alone in this journey. I'm almost 6 months out and I've lost 70lbs. I started out at a lighter weight then some but I've lost rapidly. Congrats and good luck, JEnnifer
(deactivated member)
on 8/3/06 10:06 pm - NC
The liquid diet wasn't that bad. I was so excited that I didn't mind it at all. I did not have alot of pain after. I didn't even take anything for pain. When I woke up I started throwing up real bad. They got me some meds for that. I just had to drink little baby sips of water. I thought I never would be able to drink a normal size. I can now. I am a year out. I have lost 162 lbs. I am down to 98 lbs. I have had some throwing up issues. But I have been better for a few days now. Life is what we choose to make it. So make the best of it and just go for it. And join us on the loosing side. Good luck to you and keep us up on ya......... Amy
on 8/3/06 10:34 pm - Gastonia, NC
Amy I just wanted to say that I appreciate your positive attitude in this post. I can see a real turn around in you and can't wait for more! You're doing great! Larry
on 8/4/06 7:30 am - Benson, NC
I was going to comment on your positive attitude also! Its strange how you can fret and worry so much about someone you don't even know. Amy, you have defintely been in my thoughts a lot lately!
on 8/3/06 11:32 pm - Granite Falls, NC
Thank you so much for the responses. I guess I should have told you guys a little bit about myself. I have been overweight since I was a child, and it has just gotten worse over the years. I have tried every diet out there, all the prescription weightloss medications, and all the over-the-counter medications, but all I've done is yo-yo'd. Lose 20 or 30 and gain back 40 or 50. It is such a vicious cycle. I am a 36 years old administrative assistant at Caldwell Community College, married to a wonderful man named RJ for almost 18 years and have three beautiful children; Cody age 10, Allison age 8, and Ashley age 14. I actually started thinking about weight loss surgery about 3 years ago, but my husband had heard all the negatives about the surgery and was dead set against it. That created a real problem since he had to be my support person. Once we talked to my rheumatologist and I started researching, he became more supportive, and when we attended the information class he and I both got a lot of our questions answered. So now, he is behind me 100%. He is still worried about something happening, but I have explained to him, that there is a risk with any surgery that a person goes through. I have full faith in Dr. Cook and his staff, but I have to admit that I too am nervous. I can't help but wonder about the "what if's". I guess that's just normal. Since I won't be able to have soft-drinks anymore, I have been weining myself off of my diet sundrop addiction. That has been so hard because I have been a hardcord sundrop addict for a long time. I tried quitting cold turkey, but the withdrawl headaches were killer, so I decided to do it slowly, and today is my 3rd day with out sundrop at all........yipppeeee. I have been told that I will be on a liquid Slimfast diet 2 weeks prior to my surgery. Yee haa........can't wait for that....ugghhh. I'll be the first to admit, I like to eat. My family all come from the mountains of Watauga County, and I was raised on old fashioned cooking, which is how I was taught to cook. So this is going to be a big change for me, not only in how I eat, but how I cook, which will affect the way my family will be eating. I think this will be a good thing though. I see my children following in my footsteps. Especially my two oldest ones. Cody, the 10 year old, already weighs about 115 pounds. My oldest daughter, Ashley, is only 14 and already weighs in at 216 pounds. I don't want to see them go down the same path I have been down. Luckily I don't have a lot of the comorbidities that go along with being morbidly obese, but I still deal with rheumatoid arthritis and high blood pressure, and when my PCP done my last blood work, he told me that my blood sugar was borderline. I am so anxious to get this behind me and start losing this weight. I am at my heaviest weight ever, which was 372 at my last weigh in. At this point I don't know what my goal weight should be, but I just want to be healthy and happy and know that I will be around to watch my kids grow up and have families of their own, instead of constantly worrying about this weight killing me at an early age. Thank you guys so much for the support, and I will keep you up-to-date on the happenings. Chris
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