Anyone in NC use Dr Hardcastle in Greensboro?
Hi everyone, I am new to the site and have just recently begun to think of WLS as an option for me. I am going to the information seminar for Central Carolina Surgery on Aug 21 but would like some feedback from anyone who has used this "team" of Surgeons. What requirements do they have as far as Pre-op, do they require a 6 month supervised diet? Just let me know anything you think is relevant.
Hi there Valorie. I am sort of new to this info. Is that the place in Sanford? If it is, I am headed there tomorow. I am from Greenville. I am having surgery in Pinehurst. I would love to share with you what I have done so far. Where I am is the paperwork has just been turned in. If you get this message tonite or in the am early, I will be glad to bring all my paperwork. You are welcome to call my cell 919 708 8286. I am going to be in Sanford for a while. I have family there. Where is Trinity?
Let me hear.
Thanks for your reply Angela. No, Hardcastle is with Central carolina Surgery Center in Greensboro, NC. Trinity is a little no-where town between Lexington and Asheboro. I am sure you have never heard of it as so few people have. I am curious as to their requirements. I don't know if I have the patience for all of this. If I had patience, I could stick to a good diet, right? I guess I still have my doubts that WLS is the thing for me. I know I am going to have to jump through hoops if I am going to get this done and be successful. But, I would like to know up front approximately how many hoops and how high I have to jump! Anyone else feel like this in the beginning?
Hi Valorie,
I absolutely felt the same way that you did. I am a 100% control freak and the thought that my "destiny" was in someone else's hands was about more than I could take.
When I made up my mind to pursue this process seriously, I had to just put it out of my mind and take it one step at a time. It has not been easy for me...I overthink and analyze everything and want to know about all possible scenarios before I take the first step...but I'm still glad I'm doing it. I just try to remember that the other end of this hassle is a new, healthier me.
Take care!

Hi kindred spirit!
If you're interested, here's how my experience went. I think it varies somewhat, but I also think mine is pretty close to the norm. I talked to my PCP back in January, *****ferred me to ECU for an initial appointment. Then, ECU sent me a letter saying that I needed to go to an orientation session...which I think you mentioned you were just getting ready to attend. I have to admit that I found this useful on only a very cursory level. I would recommend going in armed with every question you can think of, but be prepared to wait to get them answered when you have your first consult with the surgeon. Based on a high-level assessment at the orientation session, I was deemed a worthy candidate
and was given an appointment with the surgeon.
At the first meeting with the surgeon, they did a quick work up and confirmed that I was a good candidate for the surgery. That day, I had a chest X-ray and bloodwork, including an arterial blood gas, which hurt worse than any other thing that has every happened to me in my entire life.
After that, I would get notices in the mail about appointments that had been scheduled for me, sometimes 2 or 3 a week. I had an upper GI series, a urinalysis, a pulmonary consult, an EKG, a stress test for my heart, a psyc eval, a nutrition consult, a sleep study to check for sleep apnea and an endoscopy. I think most docs will only order tests for things that they identify as 1) co-morbidities 2) risk factors.
After all this stuff, at ECU, they call you back in for a "final decision" appointment to go over all the results of all the tests. Then, everything goes to insurance. Then you sit on your hands to keep from biting your nails while you wait for insurance approval.
Then you get approved and you start to realize that your whole life is going to change. I'm just starting to realize all the implications. It's an excited journey to this point...and I can't wait to get through the next big step.
Please keep in touch. I am no expert, but I am certainly happy to commisserate with a fellow control junkie anytime.
Take care of yourself and keep us posted.

Valorie -
My husband had surgery with Dr Martin in that practice last September. They actually were very good to work with. MUCH MUCH better than the Baptist Hospital program!
Basically you go to the session, they weigh you and check your height for your BMI. They don't do people over a 46 at that practice. You hear a couple of patients speak about their experience, one of the surgeons conducts the session, takes questions and answers them. They will give you a packet with a Remedy House Call CD (this is a program to load on your computer to fill out some of the extensive paperwork and it also acts as a food diary and progress tracker) some standard forms for the practice, information about fees, pre surgery Nutritional Assesment, a checklist of what you need to do at what time (steps to surgery, this was VERY HANDY), some FAQs and that is pretty much it. You watch a video of BOTH types of surgery, it is brief but interesting.
There are four surgeons there that perform the lap band or RNY. All of them are members of the American Society for Bariatric Surgery, Dr Martin is an associate member. All of them have been doing Laproscopic surgery for years and they have been doing this for about 3 years. They do surgery on Mondays and Tuesdays and try to have you home by the weekend, they do 2 cases per day. They have ONE woman in this office that does nothing but work with your insurance company to get you surgery, she is very nice but harriedand works VERY HARD TO GET YOU YOUR SURGERY. KEEP COPIES OF EVERYTHING YOU SEND THEM!!!!!! Also, send everything in together, I cannot empasize this enough. Check your insurance first and see if they will cover it at all, get a copy of the policy on it. Then get your medical records together, start trying to recall your past efforts at weight loss - i.e. Weigh****chers from January 30 to November 23, lost 50 lbs, kept the weight off how long and if you gained it back. Keep a food diary because they will want 2 days (1 weekend day & 1 weekday) of everything that went into your body, I would start doing this so that you could give them a good average of what your intake is, and not just good days or a PMS day. Register on Remedy Housecall because as I said before, you will be filling out and submitting most of the paperwork online, except for your records. Once they have all your stuff in hand and they review it, they will call you to set up an appointment with one of the surgeons. ALL FOUR know what they are doing and are VERY helpful. That said, Dr Martin is an excellent surgeon but sometimes he can be a little clinical so be aware of that, he has to work to bring out the good bedside manner. I would choose him again tomorrow despite that minor thing.
They use the Moses Cone Diabetes and Nutritional counseling office off of Wendover and it is close to their office (behind the Exxon just past Battleground). The diet at the beginning is primarily protein and they tell you that up front. You simply will not have room for veggies or other carbs so you need to find protein that you can eat on a steady basis and not go crazy. Unless you like being spoken to like a six year old, ask for ANY dietitian besides Michelle Harris (she is very nice but a bit of a control freak, and has a tendency to talk to you like it is story time, she is also fresh out of school and knows very little about the surgery.) I have heard that Linda there is good but we have not worked with her. If you are over a 46, they will send you to the dietitian and put you on a diet to get you down to where they will operate on you.
Due to being doubly insured, we ended up with out of pocket expenses of $275. There is a $100 "program" fee for the surgeons office and $175 for the "program" at the dietitians office, these are non reimbursable fees. You will have to have letters of support from a sibling or parent and a good friend. Pick up the book "Weight Loss Surgery for Dummies", it is a WONDERFUL resource.
I'm sorry, I've gotten really longwinded here but please feel free to email me privately and I'll be glad to give you more information. My hubby had his records together when we went to the session in April, I had already checked out our insurance, we filled everything out and submitted it. We got an appointment in July during our vacation week so we did ALL presurgery testing that week and within a couple of weeks including a psych evaluation, he had a surgery date for the end of September. He has lost 130 lbs and is glad he did it.
I hope this helps and is not too confusing,
Hi Valorie! I'm coming in a little late, but still thought I would respond. I live in Greensboro & through work, personally know Dr. Hardcastle & her husband. When I first looked into gastric bypass 4 years ago, I was originally going to go with a doctor in Raleigh. Once I found out Dr. Hardcastle's group was going to be doing it here, I decided to try that instead. Ultimately, I went with Dr. Fernandez at Baptist & I am so glad that I did.
As far as the doctors & their program goes here in Greensboro, I thought everything looked fine & in line. But once I checked into the Baptist program, I found that I would be paying more out of pocket if I went with Dr. Hardcastle. I did a lot of research before making a final decision on who to go with. I have never once questioned the decision that I made. Dr. Fernandez' program & staff are fantastic! I couldn't have asked for a better group to work with & I am glad that I took the time to check out his program before making my decision.
Dr. Hardcastle's group is very good & I have only heard good things about them. Dr. Martin, did my appendectomy @ 17 years ago. You are fortunate to be able to communicate with some of their patients. When I was researching them, they were just getting started here & I think the fact that I had the chance to actually talk to several of Dr. Fernandez' patient helped me to make the decision to go with him.
Good luck to you & just remember to do a lot of research before making your decision. You have to make the best decision for you.