The nutritionist tells me to drink stuff that I can't like boost and stuff like that. Milk makes me very sick. Even the soy. I can eat some of the protein bars. I just now got where I can get in about 2 a day. 1/2 at a time. Seems like the last 2 days I have been able to eat a little more. I have never been able to do anything with milk in it. I couldn't ever drink milk or eat ice cream. I am just trying new foods to see if I can keep it down. So far so good. I think with all my heart that I will be better. If I get sick I will just lay down till it passes. I will not let this get the best of me. I know I get depressed some time. But who don't after being sick for so long. The old booger man has had his old nasty hand on me long enough. It is time for a war with him and I know he will loose. God bless and please keep me in your prayers. If you know anyone else that will pray for me please let them know. Thanks for all you do.
god bless
I also can't do milk. It just makes me sick, but sugar isn't a problem for me. Anyway, one thing that I found I could do was to make a bowl of cereal (cheerios works best for me) and to just wet it with 2% or skim milk. I don't put enough on it to even settle in the bottom of the bowl. I find that I enjoy this every now and then.
I also remember when I was having so much trouble eating after my complications that Nita(from Dr. Melkonians office) told me to fix a bowl of grits and put about 4-5 pats of butter in it. She said we need the fat to grease the pipes.
The grits will stay with you a long long time and you can eat them as slowly as you like. Also to get some extra protein in I would add shredded cheddar cheese to my grits when they were hot and make yummy cheese grits. I know where you are coming from. There was a time in my recovery when all I would eat daily was six pieces of cubed cheese melted in the microwave. That was two pieces for breakfast, lunch and dinner. I'm talking about the small cubes you put out when having a party or get together at work. I felt so bad because I wasn't getting in my nutrition or fluids. Once I began on the grits and wet cheerios I began to regain my strength. I was told by someone that I trust very dearly but won't mention by name to just "Eat anything you want that will stay down and help you gain strength, even if it is a no-no on the plan." Once I regained my energy levels I returned to working on the "right" way of eating. For me this meant adding butter to many things. It meant having toast several times a day and not worrying about the carbs. I also ate a lot of watermelon during the summer.
This will add much needed water to your system and kept me quite happy.

Larry I really want to thank you for all the help. I don't know why but you seem to make me feel better. Some time I think I am the only one that has been sick. I love the ideas about eating. I feel better when I eat and hold it down. I feel stronger today from eating cheese toast last night. I can't believe I held down cheese toast. I loved it. I even put a little mayo on it. I don't care about calories or fat at all right now. I know I need them to put on some weight. Dr. Melkonian told me not to try to put any back on at this point. If I tried to put some back on he said that a year from now I would gain back about 30 lbs. Well to me that did not sound bad. At 98 lbs. 30 lbs wouldn't kill me. I am not going to worrie about my weight right now. I just want to get better. If I get fat so be it. If I stay skinny so be it. As long as I feel good. I got where I can hold down lots of liquids now. I can hold down lots of soup. I am just so excited that I am able to eat a little. It might not seem like a big deal to some but it is such a good thing to me. I am sitting here just smiling. I am so happy. For the first time in a long time. How can I ever thank you enough. I want you to know that I look up to you. You and your wife seem like such good people. God bless both of you. Sorry I wrote so much. I am just excited. Feel like it's my birthday lol!!!!!!!!!!!
god bless
and thanks