What's up with all this gas????
I'm serious, is it me or has anyone else got this problem. I'm gassy all the time, well most of the time...Its embarrassing....
You know what I mean....And sometimes really painful, but mostly just embarrassing...Does anyone else feel this way...Just wondering...That and Good morning everyone...Hope you all are having a great week. I'm getting in the positive mind frame.....It's a great day.....Love you all. Sandi

I thought I could smell something in the air here in Gastonia.
It is natural to have a lot of gas after surgery. First, look at what you are eating. Things that may not have given you gas before will because you are digesting it much lower in your intestines. I know that if I eat a salad or broccolli then watch out! Whew...it will bring a strong man to his knees.
Sometimes in the afternoon the pain will come with gas right behind my bladder area. The only thing I have found for this is to change around to many positions to try and get it out.
Actually the best was to take care of this is to add something like bean-0 or gas-x to your daily routine. Take one after lunch and this usually will work for the rest of the day.
Now I know who to sit next to at the support meetings so they won't think it's all me.