First a question about Medicaid. I got all my documentation including the dreaded 6 month supervised diet turned in a few days ago. From conversations with the patient rep at my surgeons office it will most likely be turned in to Medicaid by Tuesday or Wednesday. I figure Friday at the latest. Again, from conversations with the patient rep, Medicaid is fairly quick about approvals so I would assume I would hear something within 2 weeks of their receipt of the documentation. Does that sound about right?
I think its basically a 3 to 5 week wait from approval to actual surgery right now. I may be wrong but the last time I asked I think they were 3 weeks and by now I would assume a worst case scenario of 5 weeks back?
I know its just another time to wait but I at least feel better trying to figure out an approximation of my surgery date. Does 7 weeks from turning in the documentation to actual surgery seem about right? I know Im making a lot of assumptions and plently of things could happen to slow this down but I figure 7 weeks if nothing goes wrong is a fairly realistic time frame?
Im trying to contain myself and stay calm but I cant help getting a little excited about this.
Question 2..... My gallbladder is relatively healthy right now. Lets just say I have a friend who is a Sonographer and leave it at that. No stones, no sludge, no wall thickening. I have been told by several medical people as well as a few MDs that gallbladders generally have a tough time adjusting to the lifestyle imposed by this surgery. Statistically they said maybe 40% of the Gallbladders develope stones, sludge or wall thickening that requires that they be removed. I am probably going to request that my Gallbladder be removed during my WLS because of this advice. I have a family history of gallstones so I dont expect my gallbladder to stay healthy for the next 30 years even if I didnt have WLS. I would like to hear from you guys about this as well. Did you have any problems with your gallbladder after surgery? How much longer is the hospital stay if the gallbladder is removed?
Question 3..... Ive tried a liquid multivitamin that I got at WalMart. The taste is not good but tolerable. The problem is I get mildly nauseated when I take it. I resorted to taking it at night, with a meal and this helps. What did you do about your vitamins after surgery? I plan on injecting B12 if there is a problem and I will have my iron checked like Im supposed to but I know Ill need others as well. What brands do you use? What kind of regimen do you go by?
I still have my gallbladder, and haven't had any problems with it. I heard the statistics were 20% of WLS patients lose their gallbladders. I just didn't want to remove a healthy organ.
About the vitamins...I started taking flintstones chewables and tums for calcium for about a month after surgery. I also take a sublingual B-12, about every other day. Now, I take Centrum (advanced formula A to Zinc)multi-vitamin, two cal-mag citrate complex(1000 mg of calcium, 500 of mag), B-12 (2500 mcg) every other day, and 3 biotin. You can't take them altogether, but I am sure you know that, so, I take one calcium/one biotin in the morning, then around supper time I take the multi-vitamin/biotin, and before bed I take the other calicum/biotin. I take the B-12 in the morning. I am ten months out and my labs have always come back good.
Oh, I get the B-12 and biotin at Walmart (both are pretty inexpensive). I had a difficult time finding calcium citrate, so I get it at the health food store and pay around $25 for 250 pills. I know that sounds really high, but a bottle lasts quite awhile.
RM -
I want to applaud your patience. You have made it through, now waiting for the approval will be worse. I know my approval with my insurance was rather quick.
From what I know, a coworker used your dr for surgery and her surgery was approx 6 weeks from approval date, including her two week liquid diet.
To answer your question, I've used Centrum chewables since my surgery. I take them in the evening before bed. They recommend the morning time, but i"ve just gotten into the habit of evening. I take a Bcomplex each day too. I tried the liquid b complex but it was too nasty. Just remember every dr is different. I also take iron pills, I can usually tell if my iron is low because i'll bruise really easily. I had low iron pre-op so I already had suppliments.
I think you previously posted about attending school during this time of your sugery.
I say stay on track with your studies and this surgery will fit right in. You might need a week off, but you'll be fine in no time. I had my surgery and was doing well from the get go. I think I didn't drive for a week or maybe I did. I had ketosis after surgery so I was getting dizzy until my body adjusted.
I had my gallbladder removed two years prior to having WLS. I know most insurances will not pay for it to be taken out unless it's diseased or has stones.
The surgeon most likely will not take it out if they don't get paid. Now, if you have a hernia before surgery most dr's will fix them during your surgery. My gallbladder surgery was more painful recovery wise then my RNY. I had not pain from my RNY except for the IV's. The tape left me bruised and broken out. I didn't really even need my pain medicine but I kept it handy. After my gallbladder surgery I remember being really sore and using a pillow to walk around. I was prepaird after my RNY but I wasn't huched over, not one bit. So, I would say my RNY Was 100% better then any other abdominal surgery I've had.
Now, Scream from the roof tops, and enjoy this time. Once you get your approval your calander will fill so quickly with have tos and staying busy that the time passes quickly.
Good Luck and Congrats!
I have medicaid and I was denied (1st) and approved (2nd) in less than 4 weeks. At that time (back in March) the process went fairly quick. I was denied 4 days after the info was mailed. 7 weeks is kinda long for Medicaid.
As far as vitamins . . I just looked in the sales paper for buy 1 get 1 free or half off . . I wanted to have a supply on hand . . Most of mine were purchased from CVS . . I take Iron (1), calcium(2), vitamin C(3), bioton(2), a multi - vitamin(2), b-12(1). About a week out I felt very very tired . . so I started taking my Iron in the morning instead of the afternoon - this seemed to help a lot . . Never take calcium and iron together . . vitamin C helps with absorbency (sp?) so that is why I take it 3 times a day . . . bioton helps with hair, skin and nails . . I started taking it before surgery. I have my labs done in November so we will see how everything goes.
Good luck as you continue on your journey.