What Is Wrong With People?
Hi All,
Okay, here is my story. I am just starting to get things in order for the beginning steps of my weightloss journey. This morning I had an appointment with my PCP. Why this person thought this was appropriate is beyond me.
I am sitting in the waiting room, minding my own business, when an elderly woman sat down beside me and initiated a conversation with me. She was really quite pleasant and I was enjoying our exchange when her husband, who had been parking the car, came in. She calls him over and says "Dear, this is MaryAnn. Just look at that face! It's a shame she's so big. She has such a pretty face."
What the...?? HELLO! Am I invisible? What made her think that it is okay to say this - and right in front of me? Mortified. Speechless. Thankfully, the nurse immediately called her in for her appointment. Divine Intervention? Maybe. I never clocked an old woman and CERTAINLY did not want to start today.
Do you think if I was thin and ugly she would have said "Look dear. It's a shame she's so ugly. She has such a pretty ass!" I think not. (Well, maybe she would have.) Grrrrrrrrrrr. Thanks for letting me vent.
Hope you all have a better day than mine started out to be.
Mary Ann

Hello Mary Ann,
Sorry to hear of your experience today, but hopefully by now you are used to it a little. Ohhhhhhhhh, I see now you are from NY. Maybe not.
Southerners by and large are polite to a fault. Its just something to do with the culture. But for some reason the elderly sometimes forget to be nice anymore. I think its kind of like a cultural senility of sorts. Its like they forget they are speaking out loud and saying what they are thinking before they think. In addition, southern culture dictates that the elderly should be revered and respected and basically overlooked when they say something like this to a stranger.
I have had similar experiences. I usually just ignore statements like that but when its too much I will say a few carefully chosen words.
I think that is so rude and from North or South its just plain rude.I am from the North and I see people saying things like that all the time even here in Charlotte.People are people and some have no manners.I would have had to say something.........Thats terrible.You wonder what people you knew think of us now.Well your so thin now and so pretty.....what was I before ugly and fat? Does that mean I am an less of a person.No it does not.It just goes to show me people do judge a book by its cover ......Dee
Hi Mary Ann. I am sorry you had to hear that. I would have been sorely tempted to say something nasty back,
It has been my experience that some people are born without a filter in their brain that tells them what's appropriate to say out loud and what isn't. You run across them all the time, they either say something like that or they tell you things about themselves or their family that is wildly inappropriate for public consumption. I'm not sure, but I'm convinced that it's a DNA thing. The funny thing is, it seems that as people get older, their filter gets worse. I guess it's kind of like a vaccuum or your air conditioner's filter getting clogged and letting more dust through, lol. Anyway, I am sorry it happend.
I have to say that I laughed loud and long about the pretty ass, that was hysterical.
Take Care.