Hey Pat! Thanks for the tip. I will have to give them a try. I just put 2 and 2 together...I met you at the Earthfare meeting Monday night!! I was the one who brought my Magic Bullet and made the (egg) protein shakes. Your husband was with you, correct?
It was great to meet you! Keep up the great job and keep in touch!
Super walmart has soycrisps made by Quaker... they come in BBQ and White Cheddar - I LOVE the white cheddar!!! A serving is 18 crisps (1oz) and it has 7 grams protein.. the bbq has 6 grams protein in a serving. They cost about $1.80 a bag. They also carry another brand (dont know the name off hand) that is good but the only flavor the store near me had was sea salt.
I went to WalMart last night and they also carry the Gerrys brand mentioned above. I tried the Sea Salt Gen-Soy but liked the quaker better. They also now have soy chips in the chip isle - they look like waffle fries.... I picked them up but havent opened them yet. They also had quite a few good pnut butter choices - they had some natural pnut butter that had flax and omega oils in it. I opt'ed for no sugar added (jiffy i think) it has only 2 grams sugar and sweetened with splenda - 9g protein in 2 tablespoons and it is GOOOOOOD. I picked up Gerrys bbq soy crisps to try as well.