Ima BACK!!!!!!
WHEW!!! thats all i can say. I am just glad to be back. and the funny thing is when i was huge all i wanted was to leave the state..LOL go figure. But i am back in Lejeune But i am on restrictions... i am kinda borderline cold/pnemonia so i have to be good and stay in for a few til i can pass this thing up...YAH!!!! Welp i just wanted to let ya all know... Now i need to find a job....
Welcome Home! Glad you're back,
how is supergirl and superman doing?
How have you been? haven't heard from you lately.
Did your plastics go well.
Well get settled in, get plenty of rest and take care.
hope you're feeling better real soon,
don't worry about a job, you'll land one soon enough.
Hugs to you
Perry W.