Check out my profile,,, new pictures
Thank you all so very much for the kind words. In the support group picture --- starting from the left , Jennifer, Jamie ( aka Misty ) Allison , Pat, Gail, Roberta and George. I had such a wonderful time , even came home with a big bag of outfits THAT FIT Thanks Roberta, I have made use of several things you gave me.
The other new pictures are from Wednesday night, and the kind , beatiful Miss Jamie came to my house last night and fixed me on that Phot Bucket web site so I could control my own pictures.
The new friends I have gained since I started this journey have been such great people, I am so thankful to have met you all.
Say a prayer for the DH Gavin today , he will be having Lasik eye surgery at 1:30 today, here in Charlotte.
Love to you all and hopes for a wonderful safe and fun weekend
aka The Pug's Momma