Rising blood sugars
During the past week, I have been having an increase in my blood sugar readings in spite of carefully monitoring my carb intake. This morning I was at 176 after a 6 hour fast! I am not taking any of my diabetes meds(as advised by MD). No new stressors. Has anyone else had this to happen? I'm 3 weeks post - op, and have lost 23 lbs. I'm still very low energy and not able to get out of the house, although I do walk through the house several times during the day. HELP!!
This is pretty much the norm for blood sugar. When I had my gastric bypass I had been having high 200s and low 300s for a while. I dropped to around 155-175 while I was still in the hospital. My surgeon wouldn't let me get off the meds until I was under 150 so I had to start taking insulin shots, since I could no longer take the oral meds anymore. I had to take insulin shots until the end of December (a little over 3 months) before my endocrinologist finally took me off. I've been medicine free ever since and my sugar runs 85 to 110 all the time. I have been told that when you take medication for blood sugar sometimes it goes up as it adjusts then it gradually goes back down. I guess it works the same way after surgery. Don't be discouraged, the changes will come and they're well worth the wait! Good luck.
-130 lbs
My blood glucose runs in the mid 200s up to just under 400 sometimes if I get upset about something. I hope I will be like Lynn in my post surgical experience.
In the end this surgery CURES 96% of all diabetes cases and greatly helps the rest. Thats what Im counting on.
I guess it just takes your body a while to adjust to this. Give it time...