Painful problem
I'm about a month away from being 3 years post-op and I'm having a big problem. For the past 3 or 4 days I've been having this awful pain in my pouch. I thought it was gas because the last time I felt this pain was when I was first out of the hospital and indeed it was gas but it didn't last for 3 days! I've used all kinds of products to treat the problem as if it were gas but I really don't think that's it. Whenever I eat or drink it hurts and my abdomen is distended. I thought I was too far out (post-op) to have these problems. Before this problem came on I had an intense burning (which i've been told is bile reflux) and now constant pain, nausea and dizziness. My husband is deployed so maybe I'm freaking out because I'm alone. I believe I've stretched my stoma because foods pass through freely now but my pouch still becomes blocked when I eat sometimes. Has anyone out there had this pain in their pouch and if so...what helped?
Thank you both for responding to my post. My surgeon was killed in Iraq and I can't seem to get in touch with any other surgeons in the hospital who are familiar with my case so I think I'm going to head to the ER because I haven't eaten or had anything to drink for almost 2 days and I'm still in this awful pain.