Okay guys..been a while since I've been here. I'm so busy lately living life. I've been doing great. My current weight loss is 96 lbs-almost at that century mark..I can't wait!!
I've got 40 to 50 more lbs to go and at only 4 months out, I don't think that's going to be a problem. My goal is to be where I want to be by my anniversary date.
Nagging problem though...
In the past 2 to 3 weeks my hair has started coming out terribly. My scalp is starting to show and I'm getting very worried. Is there anything I can do? How long can I expect this to go on? At the rate I'm losing hair, I'm going to have to wear a wig in a couple of weeks-no lie. Please anybody..suggestions would greatly be appreciated.
Check out my profile.... most of those pictures of me... (especially the formal pics) yeah that that long A$$ hair you see... thats clip ins I made myself. I am a year and a half out and my hair is still rediculously thin. it breaks, it falls out. I dont know what I am doing wrong. But I have to go to the Asian hair shop by a strand of yaki hair (real hair) in the color I feel like (Im creative....) so when I use a curling Iron or straightener it wont fry it. I have long peices, for when I want to have longer hair and I have peices to match the exact length of my hair so it doesn't even look as if I have it in. So it just looks as if my hair is just naturally beautiful. or however the heck you spell But put it this way.... 10 out of 10 girls that find out my secret run out and get Even if they don't even have my problem.
Its fun. So I just dont even worry with it anymore. I like my clippys now... so whatever...
I wouldn't buy a wig, try clipping some hair in. Go to the hair shop, get the some strands of hair (yaki remember) in your color clip it to the length you prefer, buy some clips they usually are black or brown, and you have to take needle and thread and sew the hair through the holes of the clips. You may need some help in buying the clips, tell them you need some clips to sew the hair to the clips. tell them they are either brown or black and they clip to your scalp and they have a hole on each side of the clip. Once you see the clip you will know exaclty what I am talking about. All in all, this will cost you Roughly about $40.00. Thats all at the most.
And.... You will need about 20 of those clips to be on the safe side. keep that in mind.
Im telling you this, because, you I promise will love this, and I promise, if you do this, I guarantee, you will thank me for this, and so will anyone who is having hair loss problems and does this, I love them, and I have loads of fun with them, I used them for fun on my halloween costume, (see those pics on my profile too) and I didn't know I would be as addicted to them as I have become, and I still use them like religiously and I just love them. Now it may take some gettting used to, but it took some playing around for me to get adjusted to them. granted you have to of coarse get to know how to use them. Of coarse you gotta just get to get used to it at first. But after a while, you will. Its just like getting used to a new color. It will adjust to you. Anyways... Enough rambling... I talk way too much... aparently Im bored this morning... Good luck... I hope you might consider, because I know its fun for me.

Hi Pam. I know that we all hear this over and over again, but protein is the key to weight loss as well as not having so much hair loss. Unfortunately, once it's started it takes a while to get it to grow back. You might try writing down your food intake for a few days if you aren't already to make sure that you are getting enough protein in. Either way, it might not hurt to try to increase it some. I realize that as a preop I can't speak from my experience, but I've met with several doctors and nutritionists as well as countless people here on the OH boards. Over and over that's what I hear, protein, protein, protein. Also, I hear that 4-5 months are the worst for losing hair, sounds like you're right on track. Take Care and I hope it gets better soon.
Hey Pam!
It sounds like you have got some great advise hear...the main thing, first, I agree, make sure you are getting all your protein, malnutrition can increase your hair loss. It is normal for you to lose hair from 3-6 months out, according to my surgeon, I was freaking out. I started taking 3000mcg of Biotin prior to my surgery and I still take it everyday and my hair has come back in just as thick as before. So, protein, nutrition, biotin, and I have not taken Zinc, but I have heard that it is good as well. Good luck, and just don't panic. If you do what you are supposed to do, it will get better, promise
Take care!

June 29 will be 3 years post op for me and my hair STILL falls out. Not as bad as before, but still... I do LOTS of protein but no biotin. I am going to go today and buy some Zinc and try it. I tried Biotin for about 4 months and felt like I was throwing my $$ away. I wish you lots of luck!!