First post since surgery
Hi everyone. I had my surgery on Monday and came home Tuesday around 4 pm. I am doing ok but think I'm a little dehydrated - still feel a little lightheaded. (??????)
I am very weak but am able to do more each day. I am concentrating on getting in fluids and protein shakes (which is no easy feat). I know I read about the difficulty in this but until you have to do it you don't really get the concept. I am doing small tasks around the house and walked around outside yesterday several times. I'm just still REALLY tired. I'm guessing this is normal?
Anyway, I'm home and I'm so glad I have this board for support and prayers.
Thanks again

So glad you are home and without complications. I had surgery on 4th and had a few complications but I think complications or not, it is a difficult surgery and it DOES take a toll on our bodies. Exercise when you can, rest when needed and just spend time getting use to the new body. It is still hard, but every day gets easier.