Just Saying Hey!!
Things are about the same for me here in Tarheel country. Holding steady at 90 pounds lost. But I don't know why I expect to lose anymore, I have not been exercising. Just lost the will for some reason.
I still take my vitamins and supplements and eat pretty close to correct. But I just cannot get back on that exercise wagon. Maybe the warm weather will change my mind. Would love to take off that last 20 to reach my personal goal of 170.
I hope everyone is doing well. !!
Hey Mike
I understand what you mean by just losing the will. But, you first have to remember what your life was like pre-surgery. Do you want to go back to that? I know that I sure don't. It is the thought of going back to 363 pounds that keeps me honest.
No, I don't exercise on a regular basis, but I do eat properly and get in my protein and liquids.
I've lost 154 pounds to date and if I didn't lose anymore I would be thrilled, but regardless if I lose anymore I certainly don't want to gain. Remember it takes six weeks of doing something regularly to call it a habit. So you need to at least go for walks for six weeks and then it would be a normal part of your routine.
I'm here to support you in anyway I can online. I challenge you to be a better person.