help with 6 month diet plan
Hi all. I have just completed all of my test. The next step was going to the insurance company. But a peer who has the same insurance told me she was told to do a 6 month diet plan. Well I called my primary to set up an appt and the medical assistant told me just to document what i ate and do some exercise and the dr would sign off. I want to do the right thing. I can't afford to keep going to all of these appointments. The WL office suggested I make an appt at the diet dr, but they want $250. Does any one have a good diet plan or suggestions.
Any one in Greensboro..
Hi Veronica. I have had to do this twice now, as we moved just before I was to be approved by my insurance in Virginia. My new insurance is requiring me to do the 6 month diet all over again. I am doing Weigh****chers. It's 12.95 a week, and fairly easy to follow. I lost 60 pounds on it last time, but gained 20 back between the holidays and the move. I am back on it now and have lost close to 10. They have you journal all your food choices in their tracker, as well as exercise. I like it, and would recommend it to others.
Good Luck.
Just a word of advise . . verify if it has to be medically supervised or not. If so wiegh****chers might not satisfy this requirement. I had to do six months w/ my doctor so that meant going to the office every month for six months. Depending on what your copay is it might be cheaper to go the doc office once a month than weigh****chers. . . also make sure they document a treatment plan or your type up one and they sign off on it. My insurance needed excersis (sp) plan and actual diet plan. I followed the 1500 calorie diabetic diet. . . and added walking to my daily regimine. As well as aerobics. It is important that they document because the medical review unit may very well say it wasn't documented so it never happened. I will e-mail you something similar to what I submitted. Just in case.
Hope this helped.
WOW.. You look GREAT!! I am so envious of you for getting to travel to all of these wonderful places.. One day.. I will be able to do that as well. My husband and I plan to do a lot of travelling when he retires and the kids are out of the house. Only three years until he retires and if we only have my son living with us at the time, he will graduate high school at the same time my dh retires. So off to college he goes, I hope....