Food Choices....Picky Eater
I know this is a long shot, but I missed my nutrionist appointment due to traffic this week and I do not have my next eating choices around.
I am unable to 'talk' privately during work because I work in a large place and my telephone is recorded,, so I cannot have a phone discussion with the nutrionist. So, I'm asking around 6-7 weeks post op what did you add in? I've been more adventourous this past week adding in a few things and trying a few things, but i'm still coming up short in the protein.
I did advise the dr that he shouldn't have let me have surgery because I'm such a picky eater. I love being able to eat 1 thing but I remember them mentioning something about adding meals (which is still a bit overwhelming when I can barely eat much). I know you can all relate.
I probably won't be able to get into see them until May so I'm lacking a few weeks, and they are lack my $100 payment. I feel like this has thrown me off so much, since eating is taking up alot of my time these days.
Any advice is welcomed. I started eating tuna recently because the three ounce can has 18 grams of protien in it.
Are you banded? If so, You can add, toasted wheat bread, eggs, beans, string cheese and seafood the first week after pureed, the next week you can add in poultry, next week you can add in pork, then the week after you can add in lean red meat. After that you can add an additinal ounce (for a total of 3 oz) of fruit or veggie to you 2 oz of protein at each meal.
If you do not have the band, thenyou did not do pureed foods, and you are probable up to the point where you can have all of seafood, poultry, pork & red meet, plus the additional ounce of veggier or fruit.
Hope this helps. Fee lfree to call me at home if you have any questions. i will email you sepreately with my home phone #.
Hey Jennifer, I'm 9 weeks post op and I've been eating alot of yogurt, cottage cheese with sugar free jelly, cheese with sliced turkey or ham, some crackers, chili from wendy's, I have a problem with fish and chicken.
I think I have a problem because I take too big of bites and even though I chew well it gets stuck. So I'm really trying to eat very small bites and take my time, so far its working well. I ate a small salad and some steak last night, it did very well. The main thing to remember is to take very small bites, like the tip of your little finger, and chew well. For me that's the hardest part, but its better than having it get stuck and throwing up. I hope this helps.

I don't understand how she got so badly deficient. Was it all the other problems that she had that caused this to happen? It definitely makes me worry.. this could happen to any of us. Yikes....
Thanks for sending me her number, I will try to call her soon. Busy Busy Busy... Thank goodness, my semester is over... I am taking a semester off to finish the thingy with the kids. I have so much to tell you..
Take Care,
Love and Miss ya lots!
Oh my gosh!!!! I didnt realize that!!!! I had some severe leg cramps for a while and had been taking a fluid pill along with my blood pressure meds. My foot went numb and I suspected that it was the fluid pill. I stopped taking it and sure enough feeling returned, not yet 100 per cent but much better. I got the B-12 strong sublinguals, you are supposed to take them once a month but I take them every 2 weeks or so, especially if I am feeling a bit under the weather. I also read that Bananas are a healing fruit for a lot of ailments so now eat more bananas. I also eat raisins too, although they are a bit too sweet, but high high in potassium.
I am going back to see my doc soon, she has been on leave for more than a month. I think my meds need adjustment......
Tell Tams to take those pills!!!!! I chew my calcium and take those big horse pills every day. If I cannot swallow them in the morning, I try when I get home or with supper!!!! All of us must take our meds!!!! To be healthy!!!!!!!!!!
Love ya,