EARLY Sunday AM Roll Call!!!!!!!
Hey there everyone! Yes, it is me the early Bird! Sundays have to be the most wonderful,favorite day for me! I have been up and wrote some letter,and cards, yes letters, almost a lost art today with all this email stuff! Right? I have had such a blessed weekend. My dear sisters, Rita H, Linda H and Nancy E and I met for a late lunch Saturday at Applybees and we were all good and had Salads which were absolutely delicious, but the best thing was just being able to spend time with them. By the way I have to say they all looked so beautiful! I am so proud of each of them!
Today is going to be a wonderful day and I look forward to what all GOD has in store for me and you! Dont forget to count your blessings and just always remember nothing is going to happen to you that will take God unaware, so always keep HIM #1 in your lifes and all things will work out. I can tell you for a fact, that come what ever, HE will never leave or forsake you but sticks closer than a brother! He has restored my joy and my zest for life, I am so glad I dont just know of him, but have that personal relationship that makes me complete.
I went shopping yesterday (one of my favorite things to do now) and had to say again, Thank you God for this wonderful gift, may I always be deserving and make the most of it, to bring him honor and glory.
Love you all very much,
Have a blessed day,

Hello All !!!
I am so blessed and thankful for so many things in my life.
It is just great to be alive- I have my pre-op on 4-11, can't wait...
its funny, for us to get excited over going to the hospital.LOL
I guess just knowing the out come is what I am really excited about.
Have a Great week everyone !

Good Afternoon 
I'm a little late for this roll call, but I was up with you around 6, just not online.
I've spent the most glorious day in church today worshipping. I just know that this week is going to be great. I have faith that God will supply our needs because He said he would. The one thing that God can't do is lie. Therefore, I will be taken care of. It might not be what I want, but it will be what I need.
Last night our church recorded a live praise CD. When it is available I'll let you listen to it. I know that you will get a blessing.
Enjoy what is left of the day and get up in the morning invigorated to do what God has ordained us to do.
Love ya'll!

Hello - Early Evening Here.
Our weekend started out great. WE spent Friday night at the drive in.
The movie didn't interest me, but I enjoyed sitting outside and enjoyed the cool air and stars. It really refreshed me.
Saturday - I only went to the gym. I developed heel pain a few weeks ago that's pretty intense, and I haven't been walking on the treadmill.
Yesterday, I couldn't get comfortable at the gym, everything hurt my foot. I'm determined to beat this, because the dr said that he's gotta get insurance approval for everything, ofcourse, I cannot do shots or nasid's because of the weight loss so it adds to the challenge.
Sunday is my resting day. I try to keep things to a minimum. We fought through the supermarket today, I wish we could afford harris teeter, they are so much nicer when you shop there then the local giant we shop at. Money is worth hanging onto so we shop discounts. I'd like to do more, but It takes all my energy these days to work full time. I have a husband whose in fulltime gradschool and works somedays during the week. Plus, princess whose in pre-k - oh they are so smart. She's in a christian school and I couldn't be happier. Were shifting gears towards kindergarten soon and I'm sad and excited. I love the independence.
We decided to keep her at the christian school, especially since the public school options aren't a good fit for our family and afterschool care is just as expensive as the private school tuition.
Both my "kids" are so supportive of my weight loss and constantly tell me i'm shrinking. I love that part. For the most part, people at work are very hurtful towards my weightloss, telling me things like I better start exercising or that I need a better bra (three women told me this in the same day). I really think I need a better workplace.
I hope to make the May meeting. I am looking forward to easter and May. I have a birthday coming and plan on getting a bike and hitting the greenway (if I can find it) at lineberger park. I am so looking forward to that. I have a gym membership but i feel like outdoor exercise is much more benifical.
I hope everyone has a great week. Clytie it sounds like you had a wonderful lunch. I need an 'adult' lunch, because most of my friends have kids and we can never do kidless stuff.
Good Evening My dear Friend and all of NC...
I am late posting today. I have been out and about enjoying this beautiful day the Lord gave us here in NC. I am so blessed in many ways and today, this Palm Sunday, I am trying to reflect more on this and on the upcoming week for what our Saviour gave up for us.
I have to say, yesterday was the bestest
lunch ever with my sisters!
to you all, and many blessings!