Got all my pre-op stuff done!
Hey everyone! I am so psyched.
I got all my pre-op stuff done today...sonogram for the gallbladder, anesthesia consult, bloodwork and last pre-op appointment.
One problem was found that has me a little disturbed
though. My white blood cell count was up. That would indicate an infection of some kind, but I am not running a fever and, although I have allergies, I dont think there is a sinus infection. Fuzz made me go get a chest x-ray, just to be sure nothing is going on there. He said he would check that and my urine to see if any infections show up there. I dont know WHAT he is going to do if they both come back clear. I am going a little
worrying about it, actually.
Everyone, please say a prayer that everything comes back ok.
Lisa L.

Hey Lisa~
Don't get too worked up over it....he'll probably just give you an extra dose of pre-surgery antibiotics or cover you longer post-op. It could be so many different things--something even as small as a paper-cut. Don't fret--it will soon be here and you'll be on your way!
Tamara (RN)