More H2O...Got Another Job
I work every weekend (Fri and Sat night) as a labor and delivery nurse. I have been teaching am aquatics at my gym every Tues morning for an hour (9-10)
Well yesterday I went to see the aquatics director at the local YMCA. She has called me a couple times. Imagine that her looking for me! So now I have another job...
I am teaching the first summer session from end of April to end of June. On Tues and Thurs a kids water fitness class for 30 min at 6pm followed by a prenatal/pregnancy water fitness at 6:30 for an hour.
If anyone is wondering abou****er fitness (aka aerobics) it is the most awesome exercise. I doubt anything could be any better for us or anyone else for that matter. I am on a personal crusade at work to convince them it isn't just for "old women"
Anyone in the Alamance/Burlington/ SE Guilford County area...come on by!
I feel some gills coming on
That's grea****er Aerobics is the best!!! I love it.
Allison, there are a couple of differen****er aerobics opitions in our area. The aquadic center, the Y and at many different locations. It is very fun and you work out and you feel like you have worked out, but no unpleasant sweating (cause the water keeps you cool) Plus the lovely feeling of weighlessness that comes with it makes you feel like you have really done something. I highly recommend it.