It happen, I got sick today
I thought the crab legs would be perfect to try , boy-o-boy I was wrong.
I never ate much before I got sick,
and there was foam and chills, I think I may have dumped, what do you folks think?
It was terrible, I will never try crab meat again. Right now I don't think I will ever eat again.
I am better now.

Hey Allison!
I am sorry you go sick! Yes, it sounds like you dumped...also, got the foamies. Your body is trying to tell you it is not quite ready for this food yet. I know it has not been that long since your surgery and you still have to take it slow and easy, I know, easier said than done, but, I have been there, and done that.
Hope things get better soon, and they say you can try things again if they make you sick, but to wait at least 2 wks. The crab was probably too need to stick to softer meats, like tuna, soft filets, etc.
Good luck!

I'm sorry!
I'm not so sure that it is dumping. I get that foamy feeling right before I get sick. It could have been that it was not so easy to digest.
I think you usually go to the bathroom with dumping.
I'm sorry that it happened. It's not fun. I have found that a popsicle after I get sick feels good, is easy going down, and gets that yuck feeling out of your mouth.
I am at 6 weeks out now and I'm still on pretty soft foods. I am following the nutrionist information and I'm pretty much sticking to their list.
It's funny, some things will make you sick one time and sometimes other stuff will.
I felt funky last week so I kept up the protien intake and drank alot.
It passed. The foamy thing has happened to me, my husband says I get pale and he can tell. I do have physical symptoms too.
My nutrionist said that the crab wasn't a good meal because of the volume of food vs what you can eat. I haven't tried crab yet.
I did get the 3 ounces of tuna and eat about 1/2 of it mixed with mircle whip. I'm a super picky eater so this surgery has posed challenges.
One more thing, I was told I could have oatmeal and 1/2 slice of toast, well my body doesn't like carbs. I cannot eat either. I'd love a bowl of cereal, though.
Keep up the good work...
Hello All,
I don't think I will ever eat crab again , just the thought of it makes me shiver.
I have had no problems with flakey fish or tuna, but for some reason I thought crab would fall in that group of fish.
Oh well a lesson learn and not forgotten, I will be more careful in the future.
My nutritionst and doctor told me to start trying different stuff and learn what works for me. I will take the advise and slowwwww down
We are away this weekend to VA for a wedding, will call you next week.
Have a great day, Friends, I am so glad you are all here.
Allison aka. Crab Woman

Sorry you got sick. And yes, you described a dumping episode pretty well. Dumping can be different for people, but usually includes one or more of the following symptoms: chills, nausea, rapid heartbeat, stomach cramps, foamies, diahrrea, etc.... You don't have to use the toilet to have dumped. It has nothing to do with the old saying, "taking a dump." 
Never say never! I have always been told that if something made me sick to wait a couple of weeks and try again. One question....did you eat anything else with the crab? Sometimes it isn't what we think we ate, but something else minor like mayonaise or mustard. If it was the crab it might have been the moisture content wasn't enough. I know that at 15 months out I can eat anything I want. If I said never again to foods that made me throw up and stuck to it I would be dead now. I had a really rough start (see profile) and placing a flake of chicken on my lips (not even in my mouth) would make me throw up or dry heave. The only thing I could eat and keep down was cheddar cheese that had been microwaved and melted on a plate or sugar free pudding. Thank God that finally passed as He healed my body.
There are foods out there that I choose not to eat because they taste different to me now after surgery and this may be the case for you. I'm rambling on and on just say don't give up on anything until you have at least tried it twice at least two weeks apart.
Otherwise, it looks like you are doing great!
Keep up the good work and love your pug. I know that I love mine.