Hump Day Roll Call!
Happy Wednesday everyone!
I cant believe I beat Gavin to the boards this morning! Are you having a bit of a sleep in?
Tomorrow I have my Nutrition Class and Friday is my sonogram, blood work, anesthesiology consult and final pre-op meeting with Dr. Fuzz.
I cant believe I am almost there.
*sings* 13 days til surgery 

Hope everyone has a great hump day. For those of you who are, like me, working....try not to work too hard. For the rest of you....try to do something fun for yourself today.
Lisa L.

I've been out in the glorious sunshine today!!! It is a beautiful day the Lord has given us!
I went this morning for an Upper GI. It seems that my pouch is still small (yeah!) but is emptying pretty slowly. Atleast there is no stricture.
Today is my last day at work. I start my severance tomorrow. I need to make me a list of things I want to do! Any suggestions?
I hope everyone has had a great day.

Hey Nancy!
I am glad you got good news today. It is great that you don't have a stricture and your pouch is still small!!!
I am sorry to hear this is the end of your job, but just consider, when one door closes, another one opens!
God Bless....Oh, I would take a nice long well deserved trip!!!
..if I had the money..hope your package will let you do something fun and special anyway!