Hey everyone!!
It was good to see everyone last night. Rita had a wonderful meeting. I applaude her
. I don't like to get up in front of people, but she was a pro. It just amazes me at how much people change in a matter of weeks. I think with the warm weather upon us, we will be changing even more with all the out door activities. It was good driving home last night and it not being dark. I am a scariedy cat.
It amazes me at how dead 321 is going toward Hickory. There are no cars hardly at all at night. I guess everyone is either in Gastonia or in Hickory. Well got to run. Take Care everyone and God Bless.

Good morning Angie
You are so right!!!! Everyone looked marvelous. I always like to tease people and give out the most changed award from month to month. This month I think the most changed award will be a tie. The award goes to Nancy Eaker and Roberta Sperry. Congratulations Ladies.
Jimmie made the comment last night that Auntie Em doesn't even look like she ever needed the surgery, must less have loss 170-180 pounds.
I also want to say a big first time welcome to Nancy from Charlotte.
Also, welcome to our new pre-ops. It is so exciting to have new faces join our crowd.
We all look forward to Tonigirl leading our meeting next month.
Take care.